Wangaratta: Old Tales and Tours
Book Index

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Below is an index for Wangaratta: Old Tales and Tours by Judy Bassett & Edna Harman. Neptune Press Pty. Ltd., Newtown, 1983.

This index has been compiled by Jenny Coates, and is copyright. It has been posted for private study only. No copies may be made in any format, including electronic or paper-based, for any purpose except private study, without written permission from Jenny.


Name Page
Agricultural High School 20
Ahern, Con 31
Albion Hotel 77
Albion House 15
Allan & Baldry (Coy) 61
Allen, Mayor 83
Ambulance station 96
Amery, Thomas 61
Andeluvian Order of Buffaloes 82
Anglican Cathedral 38
Angus, Colin 43,83
Apex Park 79,81,82
Arral, Blanche 100
Ashworth, Samuel 99
Athaneum 36
Australian Aluminium Company 66
Australian Hotel 80
Baird - see Russell.....  
Baker, Mr 82
Baker, William Furey 16
Baldry - see Allan  
Bank of New South Wales 30
Baptist Church 53
Barambogie station 16
Barker, Lot 90
Barr, H P - reserve 67
Batchelor, Edmund 58
Batchelor's Hill 58
Bellew, James 30
Bendall, William 103
Bennett, Mr 69
Bickerton, Mayor 83
Billabong Motel 104
Billy the puntman - see Hyde, John  
Bishop's Lodge 54
Black Eagle Hotel 48
Blake, James 86
Boer War monument 38
Bond, Edmund 21
Bond, Thomas 12,58,83,84
Bontharambo station 40-44,81
Borough Park 105
Botherambo St, Richmond 45
Bowen, John 50
Bowser, Fanny 100
Bowser, John 31,93,100
Boyd, William 61
Boyes, William 104
Brash, Morris 33
Brew, George 30
Brew, Mary Anne (Mrs) 30
Brian Boru Hotel 80
Brien, James 92
Brien, Joe 67
Brien, Mayor 83
Brien, William 71
British American Hotel 62
Broadribb, Julia 87
Bruck Mills 66
Bryant, Garnet 66
Bull Punch Lane 11
Bullivant, Tom 97
Bull's Head Hotel 77
Bungameroo station 84
Burke Museum, Beechworth 106
Burns, William 26
Burrows, John 80
Caledonian Band Rotunda 94
Callander, Mayor 83
Callander's store 101
Canny's Carrying Co. 47,48
Carroll, James 100
Carwardine, Edward 48
Catholic Primary School 38
Champagnat College 20
Chancery Lane 11
Charcoal Billy - chinaman 106
Chick, George 90
Child Care Centre 59
Chinese Joss House 106
Chisholm, John 87
Church of England Girls Hostel 104
Clare Hotel 30
Claremont property 30
Clark, Elizabeth 52
Clark, Mrs 99
Clark, William 24,26,33,38,52,82,83,99
Clark, William jnr 96,99
Clements, Alexander 83
Clifton property, NSW 45
Coles New World Supermarket 101
Colonial Mutual Life Association 31
Commercial Bank 15
Commercial Hotel 60,98-100
Commonwealth Bank 13
Conly, Lena 100
Connelly, Crawford & McCurdy 99
Connolly, Henry 17
Constable, W 61
Cooper, Margaret 100
Corn Exchange 47
Council Chambers 36,37
Council Club Hotel 32,76
Country Fire Authority 96
Country Fire Brigade 35
Court House 31
Court House Hotel 30
Crawford - see Connelly.....  
Crisp, Amos 80
Crisp, John 73,80,83
Criterion Hotel 101
Crossley, Ada 100
Culliname, Dr 10
Culph, Henry 96
Curtis, Peter 11
Cusack, Mary (Mrs) 32
Cusack, Michael 32
Cusack, Thomas 32
Dallwitz's newsagency 76
Darrell Lea Chocolates 76
Davenports Mazda garage 24
Degameroo station 84
Dennet, John 100
Deverell, Charles 97
Dew Drop Inn 68
Dewar, David 75,96
Dewars shoe shop 13
Dight, Miss 58
Dispatch newspaper 13,37,50
Dixon, James 59
Dobbyn, Dr 14
Docker family 44
Docker, George 44
Docker, John 44
Docker, Joseph 41,43,44,45,81
Docker, Mrs 41,45
Docker, Stanley 42,44
Dodsworth, Harold 88
Dodsworth, John 22
Down Under Cafe 101
Drover, John 80
Drover, William 80
Druids 82
Dublin Bakery 101
Edgar's newsagency 100
Edsell, Sydney 51
Edwards, Billy 23
Edwards, Mayor 83
El Dorado Park homestead 16
El Portego Motel 86
Elderly Citizens Centre 37
Electric Telegraph Office 29
Ellis, Edgar 18
Ellis, James 99
Emerald Hill Artillery Band 50
Emu Plains station 44
Erin Go Brach Hotel 100
Evans, David 20
Evans, Evan 20,21
Evans, Mary 80
Evans, Samuel 80
Faithfull massacre 27
Faithfull, George 27,33,42,43,81
Faithfull, William 27
Farrell, Dominic 68
Fellmongery Lane 67
Fifteen Mile Creek station 16
Fire Brigade building 37
Ford, Charles 100
Foresters 82
Foster & Vinge 17
Foxs bakery 14
Fraser, Malcolm 81
Friendly Societies' Gardens 81
Galen, Father 37
Gales Nursery 80
Garth, Frank 82
Garth, Olive 82
Gemmell, Dr 73
Glasgow House 60
Glen Ashley property 103
Glenarvon property 90
Grainger, Percy 100
Grant, John 76
Gray, George 16,74
Green, Mr 16,17
Green's coachline 10
Greyhound Hotel 48
Guilfoyle, W R 20
Gunther, Louis Napoleon 81
Halford, Professor 21
Hall, John 68,77
Hardess & Lording (Coy) 88
Hardess, Charles 88
Hardess, Frank 88
Hare, Francis Augustus 57,58
Harp of Erin Hotel 75,76
Harper, George Mitchell 57
Harrington, Mrs 86,89,90
Hart, Steve 71,72
Heach, Mr 76
Hedley, Jack 97
Heetel's furniture store 30
Her Majesty's Theatre 75,97,99
Hibernians 82
Holt, Harold 104
Holy Trinity Cathedral 50-52
Hope Inn 99
Hopetoun Park 93
Horse and Jockey Hotel 86,95
Howdens - locksmith 28
Howell, Mr 82
Howell, Nurse 61
Hoy, Eric (Mr & Mrs) 51
Hunt, Bill 88
Hunter, Frank 10
Hyde, John 26
Inchbold, Mayor 83
Infant Welfare Centre 37
Iona property 37
Iorianni, Cheryl 103
Iorianni, Pat 103
Irving, Mr 77
Irving, Thomas 104
Jackson, Keith 55
Jarvis, Mr & Mrs 38
Johnson, Harry - see Power, Harry  
Jones, Ellen 76
Jones, Mr 16
Junior Technical School 58
Kaluna Park 93
Keenan, Alice 21
Kelly gang 65
Kelly, Dan 72
Kelly, Ellen 31
Kelly, James 31
Kelly, Mrs 58
Kelly, Ned 31,46,57,58,87,98
Kent Hotel 64
Ket, Mah 106
Ket, Willie 106
King George VI gardens 10,27,50
King, Phillip Gidley 105
Kitchen & Sons 49
Kookaburra house 87
Korumbeia 24
Larkings, Joseph Paul 101
Larkings, Thomas 101
LaTrobe, Charles 33
Lavingdale, Patricia 70,71
Lavingdale, Robert 70,71
Lawn, Wells & Co 11
Le Mescam, Bert 78
Leahy, Nicholas 76
Leak's cordial factory 87
Leishman, Thomas 61
Lions Club 65
Little Whitty train 49
Lloyd family 31
Lomax, B 61
London Chartered Bank 13
London House 76
Lording - see Hardess &  
Lucas, Edward 15
Lucas, Mayor 83
Lyons, George 48
MacDonald, Margaret 45
Mackay & Reid - mill 23
Mackay, Angus 37
MacKay, Dr 57
Major Mitchell Tree 79
Market Yards 50
Marsh, Hazel 20
Martin, Peter 87
Masonic Lodge flats 38
Maximus Motel 38
May, John 84
McCurdy - see Connelly, Crawford &  
McDonald, Miss 21
McDonell, Patrick 61
McEwen, John 104
McGregor family 60
McGregor, Garnet 22
McGregor, Gilbert 63
McGregor, Maude 60,61
McIvor, Mr 70
McPherson, Christine 21
Meakin, bushranger 57
Medical Hall 100
Melba, Nellie 98,100
Meldrum, James 61,82,84
Meldrum, Mary 82
Meldrum, Mr 94
Meldrum, William 104
Menzies, Robert 81,104
Merriwa Park 59,92,93,104
Methodist Church 9
Methodist Tennis Club 22
Milawa, Mary Jane 56,76
Millard, Thomas 28
Milsom & Symes - chemists 23
Mitchell, Thomas 79,85
Moloney, Parker 31
Monapets 13
Morgan, Dan 20,21,56
Morley family 75
Morrell, "Chook" 100
Morrow, George 59
Mountain View property 71
Mulder, Harold 71
Murdoch, Bridget 60,99
Murdoch, Harry 88,90
Murdoch, Mrs 89,90
Murdoch, William 13,60,99
Myrrhee station 87
National Bank 105
Naughton family  82
North Eastern Business Machines 24
North Eastern Co-operative Soc 10
North Eastern Historical Society 35,42,44,81
North Eastern Railway 49
North Eastern Sheltered Workshop 79
North Ovens Shire Council 46
Norton, Samuel 47,48
Notcutt, Thomas 11
Oddfellows 82
Oddfellows Hall 86
Olympic Cafe 28
O'Meara's shop 78
Open air picture theatre 51
Orr, Jackson 68
Orr, William 90
Osmotherly's store 76
Ough, Harry 63
Ovens Crossing Place station 33,83
Oxley Plains station 33
Paderewski, Ignace 97,100
Painter, Mr 83
Painter, William 61
Painter's Island Caravan Park 83
Parfitt, Henry 45
Park Lake Chicken 37
Paterson, Banjo 21
Patersons furniture store 14
Peacock, Edward 28
Pearce, Mr 76
Peard, Grace 98
Peard, Mrs 98
Peechelba station 21
Permewan's shop 30
Phillips kiln & quarry 90
Phillipson, Grace 98
Phillipson's Green 64
Pinkerton, Alf 38,97
Pinkerton, Mayor 83
Pinsent Hotel 73-75,104
Pioneer Memorial Cairn 92
Pitari's Plaza Food Centre 97
Plaza Theatre 97
Police Barracks 35
Police Office & Court 28
Police Station 80
Porter, Mrs 104
Porter, Silas 104
Post Office 29
Post Office Hotel 30
Powell, Bert 22
Power, Harry 31,58
Prenzel, Robert 88
Presbyterian Church 38
Prince of Wales Hotel 59
Pusterla, Mr 51
Quinlan, James 21
R.S.L. 11,55
Radio 3NE 23
Radio 3SR 23
Radio 3WR 23,101
Railway Hotel 62,63
Rattray, Thomas 24,83
Rechabites 82
Reid, Agnes 82
Reid, David 10,82
Reid, John 51
Richardson, Bill 18
Richardson, Clarice 18
Richardson, W. B. Stand 20
Rickards & Henderson 13
Rodgers, John 84
Roman Catholic Church 37
Romani property 71,72
Rowan Bros 9
Royal Argyle rooms 33
Royal Hotel 33,73,80
Royal Oak Hotel 22
Royal Victoria Hotel 28,33,102
Rundle, Arthur 31
Rundle, Arthur B 100
Rundle, Charles 100
Rundle, Sarah (Mrs) 20,100,101
Rundle's buildings 100,101
Russell, Baird & Simpson 27
Rutherford, George 21
Ruwolt, Charles 83
Ryley, Francis 92
Sales, Mrs 10
Sales, Thomas 10,96
Sam's Pizza & Coffee Lounge 76
Samuel, H J 42
Schroeder's store 13
Scott Memorial Park 92
Scout Hall 105
Searle, Cooper 60
Shamrock Hotel 80
Shanley, Mr 55
Sharland, Henry 59
Sheil, Don 66
Simpson - see Russell, Baird &  
Simson, Hector Norman 56
Sisely, Lorna 14
Sisely, Mrs 60
Siselys butcher shop 14
Sloans menswear 60
Smith, Alf 90
Snodgrass, Janet 57,58
Snodgrass, Kenneth 57
Soffra, Nina 78
Spearing, Charles 32,33
St Catherine's home 37
St George's Hall 33
St Mary's Cathedral, Sydney 37
St Mary's Hospital 17
St Patrick's Cathedral, Melbourne 37
St Patrick's Church 37
St Patrick's Hall 37
St Paul's Uniting Church 38
St Stephen's Church, Richmond 45
Stanslake, Celia 70
Star Hotel 86,87
State School no. 643 9
Steam Flour Mill 51
Steele, Sgt 98,106
Stephenson, John 17
Step-Ramp, the 49
Stewarton property 70
Stickland, Mr 82
Stone family 75
Stoney Creek station 84
Sullivan, Mr 100
Sullivan, Patrick 30
Sydney Hotel 83,99
Taminick Plains station 33
Tara Court 37
Telegraph Office 29
Templeton, James 9
Templeton, Janet 9
The Bull Ant 81
The Centre 105
The Crossing Place 24
The Hole in the Wall Hotel 100
The Millers Cottage Motel 81
The Square 73-77
Theatre Royal 74
Thomas, John 15
Thomson, Mrs 47
Thomson, Peter 50
Thwaites, Joshua 29
Tilson, James - Kindergarten 65
Tilt, Henry 59
Tomkins, Richard 80
Tomlins, Richard 80
Tone, Alexander 82
Town Hall 36-38
Travellers Inn 83,84
Travellers Rest Hotel 24,38
Trotman, Joseph 68,69,76,104
Trotman, Mrs 104
Trotman, William 69
Tucker, Joseph 50
Tweed, John 47
Ulah Park 60
Ung, Hing 106
Union Hotel 62
Upotipotpon station 21,44,84
Vickers Ruwolt 83
Vincent family 90
Vine Hotel 45,46
Vine, John 100
Vinge - see Foster &  
Volunteer Fire Brigade 35
Waldara property 9,67,68,70,71
Wall, John 61
Wangaratta Agricultural High School 105
Wangaratta Base Hospital 17
Wangaratta Bowling Club 53
Wangaratta Brewery 61
Wangaratta Brewing and Malt Coy 103
Wangaratta Cemetery 55-57
Wangaratta Chronicle 30,31,59
Wangaratta Drum & Fife Band 103
Wangaratta Flour Mill Coy 96
Wangaratta Garden Club 93
Wangaratta Historical Society 12,79
Wangaratta Hospital 101
Wangaratta Hotel 61,82
Wangaratta Market building 77
Wangaratta Post Office 12
Wangaratta Shire Office 96
Wangaratta St, Richmond 45
Wangaratta station 24,33
Wangaratta stemmery 47
Wangaratta TAFE College 51,52
Wangaratta Town Band 36
Wangaratta Wool Festival 85
Ward, Bedelia 62
Ward, Louis McDermott 61,62
Wardell, William 37
Wareena Park 64,65,94
Warra property 86,88,89
Waterworks Trust 106
Watson, "Cook" 11
Watts, Thomas 41
Wendlan, John 21
Wesley Hall 9
Wesleyan Church 9
Westley & Co 69
Willara property 104
Williams family 70
Willis, William 77
Wohler, Des 24
Wounded Knee Jeanery 76,94
Yarrunga property 90,91

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Last updated on 01 September 2021