Sedition, Treason & Other Pastoral Pursuits
Book Index

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Below is an index for Sedition, Treason & Other Pastoral Pursuits by John R Grenville, High Country Publishing, Dargo, 1997.

This index has been compiled by Jenny Coates, and is copyright. It has been posted for private study only. No copies may be made in any format, including electronic or paper-based, for any purpose except private study, without written permission from Jenny.


Name Page
Atkins, Richard (Judge) 4
Balmain, William 4
Benambra 53
Bienvenu, Fred & Diana 54
Bingomungie run 51
Black Dog Creek run 35
Black Thursday 1851 44
Bogong High Plains 48
Bond, Thomas 58
Bowman 28
Brisbane, Governor 24,25
Brown, James (Jim) 30,42,45,48
Bundaramungie run 51
bushfires 1851 43,44
Chawner, Phoebe 29
Chawner, Susan 29
Chief Commissioner of Crown Lands 37,41,45,49
Cobungra 34,35,43,45,46,48-52
Conolly, Philip (Father) 19,20,22,23,33
Conquest, John 33
Considine, Margaret 42,43
Cook, Eliza 'Queen' 53,54
Cook, Jane 53
Corbett, Mr (surveyor) 40
Crisp, Amos 17,34
Crisp, Amos jnr. 17
Crisp, Edward 32,50,53
Crisp, Elizabeth 17,33,34
Crisp, Elizabeth jnr. 17
Crisp, John 17,29,31-33, 42,50
Crisp, John Henry 32
Crisp, Mary 42,52,53
Cusack, Tom 54
Darling, Governor 25
Dixon, (Father) 19
Dog's Grave story 50
drought 1851 43,44
Faithfull 28,41
Faithfull, Alice 54
Faithfull, George 39,41,42
Faithfull, Henry 43,54
Faithfull, William 41-43
Faithfulls of Omeo 54
Flanagan, Con 55
floods 1851 44
Foord, James 29
Foord, John 33
Gemmel, Dr 47
Geoghegan, Patrick (Father) 42
Gould, James (Bishop) 29,30,43,46,48
Gray, Charles Patrick 34
Gray, Edward (Ned) 21,30,42,45,50-53
Gray, Edward Joseph 18,24,34,35
Gray, Eliza 16,
Gray, Ellen 42
Gray, Ellen Scott 34
Gray, George 1-3,11-12,18-20,21,24-26,28-30,34,37,41,43,45-47,53,54
Gray, George jnr. 18,24,26,30,35,37-42,45,46,48-50,52-54
Gray, Hannah 36,43,46,48,52,53,58
Gray, Hannah Phoebe McIntosh 34,55
Gray, John 36
Gray, John Meighan 34
Gray, Mary 17,18,20,22,24,27-32,36,42,54,58
Gray, Poleanna Mary 34,55
Gray, Roseannah 34
Gray, Susannah 34
Gray, Thomas 16,45
Green, Roseannah 50
Gullifer, James 35,50
Hardy, William 51
Harris, James 16
Hunter, John (Governor) 4-9, 11
Janus (ship) 33
Johnson, Richard (Chaplain) 4
King, Richard 51
Lilliput station 35,50
Lord Melville (ship) 33,34
Mackay, Dr. 28
Macquarie, Governor 12,19,23
McIntosh surname 55,56
McIntosh, Hannah 55
McKenzie, Alice 42,43
McKenzie, Charles 13,15,18
McKenzie, Eliza 18,28,30,42
McKenzie, Hannah 13,15-18,20-22,33,34,54,55
McKenzie, Hugh 16,18,19,35,42,46
McKenzie, Jane 17,18,30,36,41,42,54,56
McKenzie, Thomas 17,18,25,35,42,45,46
McNamara, Charlie 52,55
McNamara, Michael Francis 52,55
Meehan, Peter 50
Meighan, Agnes 35,50
Meighan, Ellen Scott 34,50,52
Meighan, John 34,50,51
Meighan, Mary 34,50,51
Meighan, Peter 50
Meighan, Roseannah 34
Meighan, Susannah 50
Mount Markey Hotel, Cassilis 54
O'Flynn, (Father) 19
Parslow, James 34,50,51
Pelican (The) run 33,35,36,37-41,44,46
Power, Daniel (Father) 20
pre-emptive right of purchase 37
Rawson, Joseph 51
Reid, David 44,48
Reid, Dr. 28
Royal Hotel, Wangaratta 47
Shackley, Frances 57
Smythe, C. C. (commissioner) 45
Sullivan, Mr 35
The Bunda run 51,52
Therry, John Joseph (Father) 19-23,33
Tingcombe, Henry 26
Townsend, T. S. (surveyor) 28,41
Wahgunyah run 56
Warby, Ben 25-27,
Wells, John (Jack) 30,45,46,48
West (Mr) 35
Worcester, George 29,30,33,51,53
Worcester, Mary 30,42,51,53,54,56
Worcester, Thomas 27-30,33,51,53,54,56-58
Worcester, Thomas jnr. 30
Woster surname 55-58

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Last updated on 01 September 2021