Burrungabugge Cemetery

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This webpage is a post to the Rootsweb aus-vic-ne (north east) mailing list with information on the Burrungabugge Cemetery. This post is presented here with the permission of the contributor David Weatherill.

David is a cemetery historian and can be contacted at David

D. Weatherill

Good Morning;

Another old Victorian cemetery I have started to research. If any one has any further data on it, I would appreciate any information.


* The cemetery of 2 acres was gazetted on the 4th September, 1885 [VGG 1885/2548] noting it as Burrungabugge (Dart River) Cemetery.
* It was noted as being located on a track off Dartmouth Road leading to Granite Flat.
* Location: Dartmouth, Towong Shire.
* It was a crown reserve.
* The DSE Historic Places Unit lists it as the Burrungabugge Cemetery Reserve.
* There is no record if the cemetery was ever used or if it was gazetted closed: Status undetermined.
* In the Towong Shire Heritage Study of places, it is not identified.
* The cemetery reserve is still noted on the DSE cadastral plan for the area: Parcel P204295

It was not the old Dartmouth Cemetery now part of the Dartmouth Dam. I have data on this cemetery and it is a different cemetery. I will post data on the Dartmouth Cemetery to the list.

Kindest regards,

David Weatherill

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Last updated on 01 September 2021