Colac Colac Cemetery

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This webpage is a selection of posts to the Rootsweb aus-vic-ne (north east) mailing list with information on the Colac Colac Cemetery. These posts are presented here with the permission of the contributor David Weatherill.

David is a cemetery historian and can be contacted at David

D. Weatherill

Good Morning Again;

With my research into the Tintaldra Cemetery and the Jephcott family who were buried there, I found the following:

Charles Reece Pemberton JEPHCOTT: Died 16 January, 1882 of pneumonia at Corryong, aged 31 years. He was a saddler and was buried at Colac Colac Station, Corryong on 27 January, 1882. He was born in Stoke, England and had 5 years in Queensland, 7 years in NSW and 9 years in Victoria. He was not married.

Does any list member know anything at all about Colac Colac Station, or if there were any other burials on it? This is the first I have heard of it.


David Weatherill

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Re: [AVNE]COLAC COLAC STATION BURIAL - 6/10/2008 07:48:34

Hi David,

From my records, I have -
Mary Wheeler was "removed from Colac Colac House by authority of Solicitor General. 20 December 1917 No.17/6237". It appears she was only there a short time, dying in Sep 1917 aged 84, before reburial in the Corryong Cemetery.
Sarah Sheather, dau of Chas. & Mary Wheeler (nee Nash, as above) was also transferred from Colac Colac homestead by authority. She was reburied Corryong in July 1935 (I don't have a record of when).

Would be interesting to find out if/when Chas. Jephcott was transferred and to where? Wermatong/Towong?


On 05/10/2008, at 11:27 AM, D. Weatherill wrote:

> Good Morning Again;
>With my research into the Tintaldra Cemetery and the Jephcott family
> who were buried there, I found the following:
> Charles Reece Pemberton JEPHCOTT: Died 16 January, 1882 of pneumonia
> at Corryong, aged 31 years. He was a saddler and was buried at Colac
> Colac Station, Corryong on 27 January, 1882. He was born in Stoke,
> England and had 5 years in Queensland, 7 years in NSW and 9 years in
> Victoria. He was not married.
> Does any list member know anything at all about Colac Colac Station,
> or if there were any other burials on it? This is the first I have
> heard of it.
> Regards,
> David Weatherill

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Last updated on 01 September 2021