Dederang Cemetery

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This webpage is a selection of posts to the Rootsweb aus-vic-ne (north east) mailing list with information on the Dederang Pulic Cemetery. These posts are presented here with the permission of the main contributor David Weatherill.

David is a cemetery historian and can be contacted at David

AVNE] DEDERANG CEMETERY - 09/08/2015 05:18:19

D Weatherill

Good Morning;


In September 1900 a cemetery was proposed as part of the Dederang Recreation Reserve. It was requested that a few acres be set aside for a cemetery site. The request came from P. J. Toohey of Dederang.

Over the years further correspondence kept pushing for a site; initially with it being near a Race Course being identified. In September 1918 a further letter was forwarded to the Department of Public Health by John Morrison noting that a cemetery was still being requested and if there is no Crown Land available, could approval be for one of five acres on private land.

The last piece of correspondence in the old cemetery file is a reply on 23 Sept 1919 from the Public Health Department noting - "respecting the proposal to establish a cemetery at Dederang, to state that the matter will be considered when any money may be voted by Parliament for Cemeteries is allocated".

General Health Department, File: H-CEM-610: Dederang Cemetery (Proposed).

I have a few questions that I would appreciate anyone with further information could assist me with.

Did the cemetery move to a stage of a site being identified?

If so what happened in regards to the cemetery?

Does anyone have any information of burials occurring at Dederang?


David Weatherill
Cemetery Historian

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[AVNE] DEDERANG CEMETERY - 28/9/2008 05:37:57
D. Weatherill

Good Morning;

I thought list members might be interested in what I have identified to date about the proposed Dederang Cemetery.


* On 21 September, 1909 there was a letter to the government from P.J. Toohey of Dederang to have an area of the Dederang Recreation Reserve of 140 acres that was about to be thrown open for selection, to set aside a few acres for a cemetery site.
* In October, 1900 the government of the day wrote back requesting further information - size, location.
* The reply noted that an area being considered was by the road, opposite the race course. A map showing the location was forwarded with the reply.

On 23 May, 1910 the government wrote back to the Progress association of Dederang noting that the application for a cemetery should be made to the Lands Department and when a site is obtained arrangements should be made for a public meeting to be held to nominate appropriate people to serve on the cemetery trust.

* In 1919, following further discussion T.W.H. Holmes wrote to his local Member of Parliament requesting a site of 5 acres be reserved for a cemetery.
* The last that is known to date is that on 23 Sept, 1919 the secretary, Public Health Department, wrote to Mr John Morrison of Dederang noting: "I have the honor, in reply to your letter of the 8th inst., respecting the proposal to establish a cemetery at Dederang, to state that the matter will be considered when any money which may be voted by Parliament for Cemeteries is allocated."

This is the last that seems to be known on the application for a cemetery at Dederang. If anyone list member has any information on the proposed cemetery at Dederang, I would appreciate hearing from them.



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Last updated on 01 September 2021