Granya Cemetery

This webpage is a selection of posts to the Rootsweb aus-vic-ne (north east) mailing list with information on the Granya Cemetery. These posts are presented here with the permission of the main contributor David Weatherill.

David is a cemetery historian and can be contacted at David

[AVNE] GRANYA CEMETERY - 28/9/2008 10:48:42
D. Weatherill

Good afternoon;

One further cemetery in the area from my research. The following notes on it are the initial draft from what I have located to date. I still have further to go, but I thought the data might be interest.




To the east of Albury/Wodonga and Tallangatta on the Murray Valley Highway is the town of Granya.

In January, 1881 a petition was sent to the Minister of Lands from a number of inhabitants of the Granya area requesting that a cemetery be approved for the township. The petition noted:
* The nearest cemetery is situated below Bethanga, a distance of 25 miles from granya,
* Granya was increasing in population and has a school roll of over 60 children,
* That on 31 December 1880 an interment was effected on a piece of land about half a mile out of town on a site selected and suitable for a cemetery,
* A request for 5 acres including the present grave be surveyed and approved.

On 22 July, 1881 the site requested was surveyed in the 102 Sec Reserve of the parish of Bungil and was noted as five acres and found to be acceptable to the Lands Department.

On 2 August, 1881 the Governor-in-Council approved 5 acres to be temporarily reserved for a cemetery at Granya in the Parish of Bungil. The cemetery was gazetted on 5 August, 1881.

Trustees were appointed to the cemetery and on 20 August, 1897 the Granya Public Cemetery Rules and scale of fees was approved and gazetted. The Trustees at the time were Samuel J. Rousseau, James Riley and Thomas Coulstock.

On 15 July, 1981 Mrs Audrey Summerhill transcribed the headstones in the cemetery. They were from 1882 to 8 January, 1970. Mrs Summerhill had been very active in the area recording the cemetery transcriptions in many of the local cemeteries. Her work has been extremely valuable for researcher. The GSV holds a copy of her work.

In her records Mrs Summerhill noted that there was a marble headstone in a paddock next to the cemetery for William Henry Garing who died in May, 1882. I wonder if this headstone is still there.

What is also unknown at the moment is just who was the first burial in the cemetery area on 31 December, 1880 as noted on the petition. Research is needed to identify this person. To date I have located one burial at the cemetery not noted on Mrs Summerill's headstones list and that is for Katherine Ann O'Halloran's widow, aged 75 years who was buried at the Granya Cemetery on 20 November, 1936. She died on 19 November, 1936 at the Tallangatta Hospital.

There is a Cemetery Trust for the Granya Cemetery in operation.

If anyone has any further data on this cemetery, I would appreciate hearing from them.

David Weatherill

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Re: [AVNE] GRANYA CEMETERY - 28/9/2008 02:46:20


I believe the headstone for Bill Garing is still standing in the paddock next to the cemetery.

The burial that took place in 1880 was for 10mth old Alfred Richard PHILIPS.


On 28/09/2008, at 4:48 PM, D. Weatherill wrote:

> Good afternoon;
> One further cemetery in the area from my
> research. The following notes on it are the
> initial draft from what I have located to date. I
> still have further to go, but I thought the data might be interest.
> Regards,
> David
> To the east of Albury/Wodonga and Tallangatta on
> the Murray Valley Highway is the town of Granya.
> In January, 1881 a petition was sent to the
> Minister of Lands from a number of inhabitants of
> the Granya area requesting that a cemetery be
> approved for the township. The petition noted:
> * The nearest cemetery is situated below
> Bethanga, a distance of 25 miles from granya,
> * Granya was increasing in population and has a
> school roll of over 60 children,
> * That on 31 December 1880 an interment was
> effected on a piece of land about half a mile out
> of town on a site selected and suitable for a cemetery,
> * A request for 5 acres including the present grave be surveyed and
> approved.
> On 22 July, 1881 the site requested was surveyed
> in the 102 Sec Reserve of the parish of Bungil
> and was noted as five acres and found to be acceptable to the Lands
> Department.
> On 2 August, 1881 the Governor-in-Council
> approved 5 acres to be temporarily reserved for a
> cemetery at Granya in the Parish of Bungil. The
> cemetery was gazetted on 5 August, 1881.
> Trustees were appointed to the cemetery and on 20
> August, 1897 the Granya Public Cemetery Rules and
> scale of fees was approved and gazetted. The
> Trustees at the time were Samuel J. Rousseau, James Riley and
> Thomas Coulstock.
> On 15 July, 1981 Mrs Audrey Summerhill
> transcribed the headstones in the cemetery. They
> were from 1882 to 8 January, 1970. Mrs Summerhill
> had been very active in the area recording the
> cemetery transcriptions in many of the local
> cemeteries. Her work has been extremely valuable
> for researcher. The GSV holds a copy of her work.
> In her records Mrs Summerhill noted that there
> was a marble headstone in a paddock next to the
> cemetery for William Henry Garing who died in
> May, 1882. I wonder if this headstone is still there.
> What is also unknown at the moment is just who
> was the first burial in the cemetery area on 31
> December, 1880 as noted on the petition. Research
> is needed to identify this person. To date I have
> located one burial at the cemetery not noted on
> Mrs Summerill’s headstones list and that is for
> Katherine Ann O’Halloran – widow, aged 75 years
> who was buried at the Granya Cemetery on 20
> November, 1936. She died on 19 November, 1936 at the Tallangatta
> Hospital.
> There is a Cemetery Trust for the Granya Cemetery in operation.
> If anyone has any further data on this cemetery,
> I would appreciate hearing from them.
> David Weatherill

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Last updated on 01 September 2021