Tawonga (Old) Cemetery

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This webpage is a selection of posts to the Rootsweb aus-vic-ne (north east) mailing list with information on the Tawonga (Old) Cemetery. These posts are presented here with the permission of the main contributor David Weatherill.

David is a cemetery historian and can be contacted at David

[AVNE] TAWONGA (Old) CEMETERY 25/9/2008 03:34:27
D. Weatherill


I am researching the Tawonga (Old) Cemetery. This was the first Tawonga Cemetery that was in place and in use before the current Tawonga Cemetery came into operation in 1902.

The Cemetery at Tawonga (also known as the Mullindolingong Cemetery in its early stages) was gazetted on 8 February, 1884. It was 4 acres, 3roods, 20 perches in size. The revocation of the cemetery was gazetted on 24 December, 1919. By 1890 it was noted that there were 4 people buried in the cemetery. Four trustees had been appointed for the cemetery with Theophilis Ford being the Secretary of the Cemetery Trust. The cemetery land was adjacent to the land of Theophilis Ford.

From the data obtained so far it was noted that it was believed that there were 16 burials in 11 graves in the cemetery.

I am trying to ascertain who the 16 people that were buried in the old cemetery.

There were a number of reasons for the old cemetery to be closed, one being large boulders in the area made it hard to sink graves and another was that the road was moved several chains from the cemetery. Following concerns the new Tawonga Cemetery was gazetted in 1902. The old site was near the Kiewa River.

The cemetery is no longer there today. It is believed to be farming land today with no headstones remaining.

Any assistance with the history of the old cemetery or the people believed to be buried there, would be greatly appreciated.


David Weatherill

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[AVNE] TAWONGA (Old) CEMETERY - 28/9/2008 02:53:28
D. Weatherill

Good Morning;

Thank you to all who replied to my request. I have been in touch with the Tawonga Cemetery Trust through its Secretary and she has been a great help. Just a quick update of what I have located to date.

So far I have located two confirmed burials at the old cemetery.

* William James Trebilcock, aged 18 years, was buried in the Tawonga (Old) Cemetery on 17 July, 1893. He was not married. Parents were James Trebilcock - Farmer, and Margaret. Died: 13 July, 1893.
* Charles Platt (farmer) aged 77 years, was buried at the Tawonga (Old) Cemetery on 18 September, 1893. He was married with 2 children. Parents were unknown. Died: 16 September, 1893.

From the old cemetery records held in the archives there was a grave for McIntire - father and 2 sons, who drowned in the Keiwa River at the old cemetery. I am trying to locate a record of their deaths and if there was an inquest into their death. The spelling of the name was taken from the page of data. Any help here would be appreciated.

One other piece of information is that the registration district for the deaths of the two above was at Dederang. The deputy registrar at the time was living at Dederang. So if the total number of 16 burials is correct as noted in the records, 14 to go.

Hope the above is of some interest. Any help would be appreciated. I will continue to post updates on the List.


David Weatherill

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[AVNE] N.E. VICTORIAN CEMETERIES - 28/9/2008 05:12:42
D. Weatherill

Good Morning;

Following up on my last message with the update on Tawonga (Old) Cemetery I did mention that the registration district for the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages at the time was at Dederang. I thought that list members might be interested in knowing that Dederang did have a cemetery.

Just in case members are interested, I am a cemetery historian. I have been involved in cemetery research for over 10 years. My interest is mainly involved with the older, smaller cemeteries in Victoria that "time and tide" seems to have forgotten. I do not have burial lists as my interest is mainly in the history, but where an old cemetery has very little known about it and a small number of burials that information virtually does not currently exist, I try to research these burials; as per the Tawonga (Old) Cemetery. I am also a member of the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) Cemeteries Advisory Committee and for those involved in family history they might recognise my name as the past president of the Genealogical Society of Victoria. I do write up a cemetery each month for the GSV's monthly newsletter, What's Going On.

I try to research cemeteries within a geographical area and currently looking at cemeteries in the North East of Victoria. To date I have identified the following: Tintaldra, Towong (Millers Hill), Koetong, Burrowye, Talgarno, Granya, Bethanga, Mitta Mitta, Dederang, Granite Flats, Walwa, Tawonga Station, and Cudgewa. There are still more I need to locate but if list members are interested I can post brief outlines of what my research has located on these old cemeteries. You will note they are the smaller, older cemeteries, not the bigger ones still in operation.

If I can help list members in anyway, just ask. I need to remind you again that I do not hold burials lists for many of the cemeteries.

If List Members have any information on these old cemeteries, or know of any I have missed, please let me know.

Kindest regards,

David Weatherill

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Re: [AVNE] N.E. VICTORIAN CEMETERIES - 28/9/2008 02:46:20

Hi David,

I would be interested to read what your research locates on these old cemeteries.


On 28/09/2008, at 11:12 AM, D. Weatherill wrote:

> Good Morning;
> Following up on my last message with the update on Tawonga (Old)
> Cemetery I did mention that the registration district for the
> Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages at the time was at Dederang.
> I thought that list members might be interested in knowing that
> Dederang did have a cemetery.
> Just in case members are interested, I am a cemetery historian. I
> have been involved in cemetery research for over 10 years. My
> interest is mainly involved with the older, smaller cemeteries in
> Victoria that "time and tide" seems to have forgotten. I do not have
> burial lists as my interest is mainly in the history, but where an
> old cemetery has very little known about it and a small number of
> burials that information virtually does not currently exist, I try to
> research these burials; as per the Tawonga (Old) Cemetery. I am also
> a member of the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) Cemeteries
> Advisory Committee and for those involved in family history they
> might recognise my name as the past president of the Genealogical
> Society of Victoria. I do write up a cemetery each month for the
> GSV's monthly newsletter, What's Going On.
> I try to research cemeteries within a geographical area and currently
> looking at cemeteries in the North East of Victoria. To date I have
> identified the following: Tintaldra, Towong (Millers Hill), Koetong,
> Burrowye, Talgarno, Granya, Bethanga, Mitta Mitta, Dederang, Granite
> Flats, Walwa, Tawonga Station, and Cudgewa. There are still more I
> need to locate but if list members are interested I can post brief
> outlines of what my research has located on these old cemeteries. You
> will note they are the smaller, older cemeteries, not the bigger ones
> still in operation.
> If I can help list members in anyway, just ask. I need to remind you
> again that I do not hold burials lists for many of the cemeteries.
> If List Members have any information on these old cemeteries, or know
> of any I have missed, please let me know.
> Kindest regards,
>David Weatherill

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Last updated on 01 September 2021