Tharanbegga Cemetery

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This webpage is a selection of posts to the Rootsweb aus-vic-ne (north east) mailing list with information on the Tharanbegga Cemetery. These posts are presented here with the permission of the main contributor David Weatherill.

David is a cemetery historian and can be contacted at David

Re: [AVNE] Tharanbegga Cemetery - 28/9/2008 09:42:59

D. Weatherill

Good Afternoon Peter;

Yes there is cemetery called Tungamah(Tharanbegga), but it is more correctly called Tungamah Cemetery.

From the data I have, it is located in Barr Street/Cemetery Road, Tungamah. It would appear that it was in operation from 1882, but I need to do some more checking on it. It was gazetted as Tungamah Public Cemetery, but like many of the old cemeteries it had two names in the area - Tungamah and Tharanbegga. I am assuming it picked up the Tharanbegga because it was in the Tharanbegga Shire as you noted. In a previous message I noted that Tawonga (Old) Cemetery had the second name for the cemetery of the shire used locally.

I hope this helps.

I note that the GSV holds the "Tungamah and Thananbegga Cemetery Register: 1883-1984" in its cemetery vertical file. The records were complied by the Shepparton Group of the GSV in the 1980s when it was part of the GSV.



At 03:28 PM 28/09/2008, you wrote:
>Hello Listers,
>Seeing that we are talking about cemeteries, I would like to ask a question.
>Has anyone heard of a Tharanbegga Cemetery? I've heard of the death
>of a person in 1907 at Wilby and his death certificate says that he
>was buried in the Tharanbegga Cemetery. I am guessing that this is
>perhaps an old/alternative name for the currently named Tungamah
>Cemetery. Note that Tungamah is in the Tharanbegga parish so the
>cemetery may well have been named/known by the parish name.
>Can others please check their certificates for any deaths in the
>Tungamah area c1900 to see if the cemetery is called Tungamah or Tharanbegga?

David Weatherill

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Re: [AVNE] Tharanbegga Cemetery - 28/9/2008 10:50:11
D. Weatherill


From the information I have it would seem the two names were used
concurrently during the early stages of the cemetery.


At 04:47 PM 28/09/2008, you wrote:
>Hello David,
>Thanks very much for your information. It would be interesting to see
>if the death records show whether the names were used concurrently or

David Weatherill

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Last updated on 01 September 2021