Ullina Cemetery

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This webpage is a selection of posts to the Rootsweb aus-vic-ne (north east) mailing list with information on the Ullina Cemetery. These posts are presented here with the permission of the main contributor David Weatherill.

David is a cemetery historian and can be contacted at David

D. Weatherill

Good Morning;

As I was checking old cemetery files I ran across one for Ulina/Ullina Private Burial Ground. Both spellings were in the old file.

The file noted that the burials were in a private burial ground on the Ulina Pre-emptive Right of 320 acres in Portion A and B, Parish of Chiltern West, County of Bogong. The address noted in the file was for Chiltern Valley, via Chiltern for William Withers who had written to the government of the day.

Most of the file dealt with a request in May, 1909 by William Withers, for permission of the Public Health Department in Melbourne to bury his mother upon her death, in the private burial ground on the property with her husband in his grave.

With the information in the file was a map showing the location of the burial ground, plus of the burial ground itself of about 29 perches, noting the location of the graves and the names of most the 26 burials in the burial ground up to 1909. William Withers noted that the burial ground was used by the family and others. He could not identify 7 burials noted for grave 2, graves 4 to 7 and graves 11 and 12.

Most of the burials noted were for the Withers family members (13 graves) but others listed were for: children of George Chandler, Mrs Chandler, Mrs Munro, M.M. and M.E. Maynard and Mabel Pleming. No dates were supplied for the burials, just the names.

The burial ground was located near Black Dog Creek.

In his last letter to the Minister of Lands William Withers noted his mother had lived there since 1843.

Just thought List Members might be interested in the brief notes on the old burial ground. These old burial grounds keep turning up all the time as I research the cemeteries/burial grounds in an area.

I would be interested in knowing if the burial ground still exists, or any other information anyone might have on it.


David Weatherill

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Alan French

Hello David,
This is an interesting one,I thought "Ullina" was further upstream on the "Black Dog" than Chiltern Valley,more South of Chiltern, will have to have a hunt for some Chiltern history. Regarding the names, there are still Wither's, Pleming's and Chandler's in the district. I have connections to Pleming's and Chandler's, via the Warren - Rapsey families. And a Mrs Withers died at Indigo Valley not so long ago. By the way have you found any reference to those buried in unmarked graves at Wooragee, on another Web Page someone records a grave with a headstone there , this one I do not know of,but then there is so much that I do not know, thanks David for the information.

Alan French

----- Original Message -----
From: "D. Weatherill"
Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2008 10:48 AM

> Good Morning;
> As I was checking old cemetery files I ran across one for
> Ulina/Ullina Private Burial Ground. Both spellings were in the old file.
> The file noted that the burials were in a private burial ground on
> the Ulina Pre-emptive Right of 320 acres in Portion A and B, Parish
> of Chiltern West, County of Bogong. The address noted in the file was
> for Chiltern Valley, via Chiltern for William Withers who had written
> to the government of the day.
> Most of the file dealt with a request in May, 1909 by William
> Withers, for permission of the Public Health Department in Melbourne
> to bury his mother upon her death, in the private burial ground on
> the property with her husband in his grave.
> With the information in the file was a map showing the location of
> the burial ground, plus of the burial ground itself of about 29
> perches, noting the location of the graves and the names of most the
> 26 burials in the burial ground up to 1909. William Withers noted
> that the burial ground was used by the family and others. He could
> not identify 7 burials noted for grave 2, graves 4 to 7 and graves 11 and
> 12.
> Most of the burials noted were for the Withers family members (13
> graves) but others listed were for: children of George Chandler, Mrs
> Chandler, Mrs Munro, M.M. and M.E. Maynard and Mabel Pleming. No
> dates were supplied for the burials, just the names.
> The burial ground was located near Black Dog Creek.
> In his last letter to the Minister of Lands William Withers noted his
> mother had lived there since 1843.
> Just thought List Members might be interested in the brief notes on
> the old burial ground. These old burial grounds keep turning up all
> the time as I research the cemeteries/burial grounds in an area.
> I would be interested in knowing if the burial ground still exists,
> or any other information anyone might have on it.
> Regards,
> David
> David Weatherill

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D. Weatherill

Hi Alan;

Thank you for the information.

I did not know about the unmarked graves at Wooragee. Can you let me know the webpage reference you noted?



At 12:07 PM 18/10/2008, you wrote:
>Hello David,
> This is an interesting one,I thought "Ullina" was further
>upstream on the "Black Dog" than Chiltern Valley,more South of Chiltern,
>will have to have a hunt for some Chiltern history. Regarding the names,
>there are still Wither's, Pleming's and Chandler's in the district. I have
>connections to Pleming's and Chandler's,via the Warren - Rapsey families. And
>a Mrs Withers died at Indigo Valley not so long ago. By the way have you
>found any reference to those buried in unmarked graves at Wooragee, on
>another Web Page someone records a grave with a headstone there, this one I
>do not know of,but then there is so much that I do not know, thanks David
>for the information.
> Regards
> Alan French

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Alan French

Hello David,
Thanks for your reply, I do know the location of some of the graves at Wooragee and the names of those who are buried there, but I do not know of the one with the headstone. The graves are not in a specific area , just indivually through the Valley. If you Google up Wooragee you will find a lot of information,some correct,the entry re grave with the headstone is there, then it may be Dr Gemmill"s grave, with the assistance of willing hands we put a granite marker on it before we came to live in Wodonga. Perhaps it has just been "discovered' by a modern researcher. History, the science of everchange.

Alan French

--- Original Message -----
From: "D. Weatherill"
Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2008 1:00 PM

> Hi Alan;
> Thank you for the information.
> I did not know about the unmarked graves at Wooragee. Can you let me
> know the webpage reference you noted?
> Cheers,
> David
> At 12:07 PM 18/10/2008, you wrote:
>>Hello David,
>> This is an interesting one,I thought "Ullina" was further
>>upstream on the "Black Dog" than Chiltern Valley,more South of Chiltern,
>>will have to have a hunt for some Chiltern history. Regarding the names,
>>there are still Wither's, Pleming's and Chandler's in the district. I have
>>connections to Pleming"s and Chandler's,via the Warren - Rapsey
>>families. And
>>a Mrs Withers died at Indigo Valley not so long ago. By the way have you
>>found any reference to those buried in unmarked graves at Wooragee, on
>>another Web Page someone records a grave with a headstone there , this one
>>I do not know of, but then there is so much that I do not know, thanks David
>>for the information.
>> Regards
>> Alan French
> David Weatherill

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Alan French

Hello again David,

I feel a correction may be in order, "Ullina" is at Chiltern Valley, on the road to Rutherglen from Chiltern, somewhere near the Research Station, the homestead has been restored / renovated over time but some of the original building may remain, Chiltern Athenaeum Museum has the story and may have a list of the burials there.Some years ago I went with some people to a place they said was the site of "Ullina" it was more South of Chiltern and may have been the remains of the homestead of the "Eldorado" Run, they were apparently a bit confused too. Thanks David.


Alan French

----- Original Message -----
From: "D. Weatherill"
Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2008 1:00 PM

> Hi Alan;
> Thank you for the information.
> I did not know about the unmarked graves at Wooragee. Can you let me
> know the webpage reference you noted?
> David
> At 12:07 PM 18/10/2008, you wrote:
>>Hello David,
>> This is an interesting one,I thought "Ullina" was further
>>upstream on the "Black Dog" than Chiltern Valley,more South of Chiltern,
>>will have to have a hunt for some Chiltern history. Regarding the names,
>>there are still Wither's, Pleming's and Chandler's in the district. I have
>>connections to Pleming's and Chandler's,via the Warren - Rapsey
>>families. And
>>a Mrs Withers died at Indigo Valley not so long ago. By the way have you
>>found any reference to those buried in unmarked graves at Wooragee, on
>>another Web Page someone records a grave with a headstone there , this one
>>I do not know of,but then there is so much that I do not know, thanks David
>>for the information.
>> Regards
>> Alan French
> David Weatherill

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Last updated on 01 September 2021