Victorian North East Obituaries

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These pages contains an index to the details of obituries, reports of deaths and inquests that have been published in the noerth eastern newspapers. The actual newspaper articles are not reproduced here. It is a guide to where you will find them.

Please note that the type of newspaper entry (i.e.obituary, death report or inquest report) is not shown in the table.

The entries were provided by subscribers of the AUS-VIC-NE mailing list. The initial entries were submitted by Kaye Patterson (213), then subsequently Pamela Lockwood(370) and then many others also added their entries. My sincere thanks to all these people.

However, actual obituaries for some people in the Myrrhee/Whitfield are may be found at  ../KayesPages/myrrhee-obits.html

If you have any appropriate resources that you would like listed here, please email Peter.

For the required surname, use the following webpage links
small green ball A - F obituary index.
small green ball G - L obituary index.
small green ball M - Q obituary index.
small green ball R - Z obituary index.

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Last updated on 01 September 2021