Towns and Localities
Where was ...?

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The following is a list of towns/localities that are believed to have existed in the Victorian North East at some time..

If you have any information that may help locate any of the places listed below, please let me know by emailing me at Peter.

Likewise if you know where is a town/locality that you believe existed, please email me with as much information as you have and it will be listed here.

Barwidgee North. Near Mudgeegonga.
As it was also known as Blacks Flat, I assume it is SW of Mudgeegonga on Blacks Flat Road.

Barwidgee Settlement. Near Rosewhite.
I believe it was about 2km south of Rosewhite. Can anyone confirm/disprove?

Black Swamp. Near Maindample.
Births occurred in this area in the 1860s. It was in the Shire of Mansfield at that time and would appear to be near Maindample.

Garibaldi Gully. Near Merton.
A school was operating here in the 1870s.

Gonzaga. Near Barwite.
Interesting name. As a school in the 1890s was operating part-time with Barwite, it must have been close to Barwite. And as it had a Mechanics' Institute, it obviously had a large population.

Irishtown. Near Tarrawingee. A number of Irishtowns existed in Victoria. This one had a racecourse and a railway station. One possibility is that it may have been a part of Tarrawingee.

Newtoun Diggings. Near Beechworth.
An early goldfield close to Beechworth.

Ogilvie's Estate. In the original Mansfield Shire.
A school existed here in the 1930s.

Ovens Bridge. Near Peechelba.
A post WWI soldier settlement probably next to the Ovens River. Also mentioned in a proposal for a railway line from Devenish via Thoona and Boweya.

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Last updated on 01 September 2021