Selected Obituaries from the Myrrhee/Whitfield area

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Obituaries from the Myrrhee/Whitfield area for surnames beginning with the letters A to I.

A - I     [ J - Q]   [R - Z]      [Return to Surname List]

ADAM [NEWTON] Alexandra (26/06/1902 - 01/04/1931)  [UPPER EDI]
Wangaratta Chronicle, Saturday April 4,1931
Mrs ALEXANDRA ADAM. The greatest sympathy will be felt for Mr B G ADAM, of Upper Edi, in the death of his wife which occurred in a private hospital in Wangaratta on Wednesday morning. The late Mrs ADAM was a daughter of Mr Alex NEWTON, of Upper Edi, and here again is the sympathy of the whole district expressed, for it is the third death in that family in the last six months. One daughter died about six months ago, while Mrs NEWTON died at the latter end of January. The family is well known in the district where the members are held in the greatest esteem and are universally popular. The late Mrs ADAM was of a bright disposition. She leaves a sorrowing husband and three young children, Alexander John, Elsie and Eleanor, the latter being only a fortnight old. The cause of death was a very severe attack of pneumonia. There are two brothers Alan James and David, and one sister Mary Eleanor. The coffin was removed to St Pauls Presbyterian church Wangaratta, and the funeral cortege moved from there to the Whitfield cemetery yesterday. Rev E DAY, assisted by Mr PARKER (Home Missionary for Whitfield Presbyterian Church) officiated at the graveside; and Irving's Pty. Ltd. carried out the arrangements. The coffin bearers were Messrs W ADAMS, T NEWTON, D NEWTON and A NEWTON, and the pall bearers Dr ADAM, Messrs S NEWTON, G CHALLMAN, W BOURKE, G A WHITE and T HUMPHREY.

BOOKLESS John (1841 - 28/04/1911)   [EDI]
Wangaratta Chronicle, Saturday April 29,1911
DEATH OF MR JOHN BOOKLESS. The death occurred in the Maryborough Hospital Queensland, on Wednesday of Mr John BOOKLESS, farmer, late of Edi. The news of Mr BOOKLESS's death was wholly unexpected by his friends in the Wangaratta district, as it was not known that he was ill. When he left here at the latter end of last year, he was enjoying good health and the unexpected announcement of his death was received on Thursday with expressions of regret by district residents. Mr BOOKLESS was well-known right throughout this district, in which he had lived for about fifty years. The late Mr BOOKLESS only went to the State of Queensland at the latter end of last year, after selling his property at Edi. He purchased a farm in the Kingaroy district, and set out to make a home there for himself. Mr BOOKLESS was a native of Ayrshire, Scotland, and was about 70 years of age. He came to Australia when about twenty years of age, and arrived in Wangaratta district almost immediately after landing, Mr BOOKLESS secured a lease of a property situated at Oxley and known as "The Gardens", then owned by the late Mr Wm MURDOCH, of Wangaratta, but now in the possession of Mr E VINCENT. Here Mr BOOKLESS and the late Mr Thos NEWTON, of Edi, carried on farming operations for a time, when Mr BOOKLESS selected land at Edi and was amongst the very first settlers in the Edi and Whitfield district. After a few years residence at Oxley he moved to Edi, and settled down there remaining there until last year. Mr BOOKLESS was licensee of the Edi Hotel for about a quarter of a century and was a well-known figure in that district. Soon after settling at Edi Mrs BOOKLESS died. Mr BOOKLESS followed farming pursuits, but not on an extensive scale. He was very successful as a stud-master, and was a lover of good horses. He imported several fine Clydesdale stallions to the district, and their fame is still fresh in the memories of old residents. Amongst the Clydesdale sires he imported were Cowden Lad, one of the most noted horses that was ever brought to the district, and it was only last week that his name was mentioned in a discussion on the merits of successful sires introduced to the Wangaratta district. Others were Kilburnie Jock, Sir Colin, Victor's Pride, and Blantyre, while he brought Wait-a-Wee from New Zealand, and purchased Marquis and Prince Royal in Melbourne. He also brought to the district the trotting stallion Alister McAlister and the thoroughbred sire Applause. Mr BOOKLESS's enterprise in introducing these horses was well rewarded, and the pedigree of many of the good horses in the district today trace back to these splendid sires. Mr BOOKLESS was recognised as one of the best judges of Clydesdales in the State, and his services were freely sought after by show committees in Victoria and New South Wales. He judged at numerous shows in Victoria including the Royal Show, and travelled into New South Wales as far as Wagga. He would always express his candid opinion as to the merits or defects of a horse, and in this way, coupled with his extensive experience and knowledge of horses, imparted valuable advice and information to horse owners. Many years ago he purchased a property at Bobinawarrah, from the late Mr Alex McRAE, and utilised it as a stud farm. Mr BOOKLESS was an active resident, and took an interest in all district affairs. He was elected a councillor of the Oxley Shire to represent the Edi division of the Central Riding and retained the confidence of the ratepayers for some years until he retired. Mr BOOKLESS was highly respected by all who knew him and when he was leaving Edi the residents showed their appreciation of the serves[sic] he had rendered the district by entertaining him at a banquet and making him a presentation. He leaves one son - Alexander - who resides at Kingaroy.

BUNN [TRIMM] Ethel Florence (1894 - 19/03/1926)  [MYRRHEE]
Wangaratta Chronicle Wednesday March 24, 1926
Mrs ETHEL F BUNN. Much sympathy will be felt for Mr J BUNN and family, of Myrrhee, in the death of his wife and their mother which occurred at Lister Private hospital on Friday evening. The late Mrs BUNN, who was 35 years of age, had been in ill health for a little over twelve months, the cause of death being an internal complaint. Some few days ago she became a patient in the Hospital, where the best medical attention and nursing failed to withstand her malady. A family of five boys and one girl are left to mourn the loss of their mother, the eldest being 12 years of age and the youngest 14 months. The funeral took place on Sunday to the Wangaratta cemetery. Rev A D LECKIE read the burial service and the arrangements were carried out by Messrs J J Handley and Sons. The coffin bearers were:- W BUNN, Walter BUNN, W J FLEMING and H HANDCOCK.

EGAN Owen (1848 - 12/05/1923)  [WHITFIELD]
Wangaratta Chronicle, Saturday May 19,1923
An old and respected resident of the Whitfield district, in the person of Mr Owen EGAN, died on Saturday last, at the age of 75 years. Mr EGAN had enjoyed good general health for a number of years, but a fortnight ago became ill, pleurisy and pneumonia supervening. He died on Saturday as stated. The late Mr EGAN, who was a native of King's Country, Ireland, came to Australia with his parents, when he was five years of age. He lived for some years at Kyneton, and amongst others was induced by the Government of the day to take up land at Tolmie. Mr EGAN was one of the original settlers, residing in the hill country for many years. His is the story of many others, who waiting for the promised railway, became heart-sick at its unfulfilment, and abandoned their holdings. After leaving the Tablelands Mr EGAN resided for six years at Moyhu, and fifteen years ago removed to Whitfield, where he carried on general farming operations. Mr EGAN was always a strong advocate of the construction of the long desired railway to Tolmie, and though of a retiring disposition, he never lost an opportunity of pressing the claims of the settlers for better road and railway communication. The late Mr EGAN leaves a widow and family of five sons and four daughters. The sons are Messrs Stephen (Tweed River, NSW), Owen Frank (Whitfield), and John (Melbourne); and the daughters are Mesdames A MARSHALL and R MARSHALL (Tweed River, NSW), M BYRNE (Moyhu), and R St LEON (Sydney), and Miss L EGAN (Whitfield). The funeral took place on Monday, the remains being interred at Whitfield. Rev Father RONAN read the service; the coffin was carried by Messrs O, F and J EGAN (sons), H EGAN (nephew), R MARSHAL and M BYRNE; and the pall-bearers were Messrs T BOURKE, T KICKEY, M and J WALSH, T J BYRNE, and J FAIRTHORN. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr T LAIDLER.

EGAN [EGAN] Mary Ann (1855 - 14/10/1931)   [WHITFIELD]
Wangaratta Chronicle Wednesday October 28, 1931
MRS MARY A EGAN. The death occurred on October 14th at her late residence 57 Holmes Rd., Moonee Ponds, of Mrs Mary Ann EGAN, late of Whitfield. Mrs EGAN was born at Deniliquin, NSW 76 years ago, and left there when very young to reside in the Kyneton district. She was married at Kyneton to the late Mr Owen EGAN, and lived there for some years. Later she and her husband moved to Lake Cooper and afterwards took up land in the Tolmie district. This land was thrown open for selection to encourage settlement there, which up till that time had been the haunts of bushrangers. The Government of that time promised the pioneers that a railway would be built to enable them to get their produce to market. This promise was not kept, and Mr and Mrs EGAN, like many other settlers were forces to leave their holdings after having spent years working to get the land cleared. The late Mr and Mrs EGAN then moved to Moyhu and later to Whitfield, where they carried on farming for a number of years. After Mr EGAN's death eight years ago, Mrs EGAN went to live with her son and daughter, John and Elizabeth at Moonee Ponds. She was an ardent member of the Catholic church. She is survived by the following family:- Stephen (Cairns, QLD), Rose (Mrs A MARSHALL, Moonee Ponds), Mary (Mrs Michael BYRNE, Moyhu), Catherine (Mrs R O MARSHALL, Three Moon, QLD), Owen (Whitfield), Francis (Moonee Ponds), Elizabeth, John and Margaret (Mrs St LEON, Moonee Ponds). The remains were interred in the New Melbourne cemetery, Fawkner. Rev Father FOX read the burial service.

EVANS [BLACK] Ann (1846 - 16/09/1918)    [MYRRHEE]
Wangaratta Chronicle Wednesday September 18, 1918
DEATH OF MRS EVANS.- The death occurred on Monday afternoon at a private hospital in Wangaratta of Mrs Ann EVANS, wife of Mr Evan EVANS, of 'Tynant', Myrrhee. Mrs EVANS had not been well for some time, and about a month ago sustained a fall which brought about a seriious breakdown of health, and three weeks back was brought to Wangaratta so that she might receive the best medical and nursing attention available. Her condition never showed improvement, and death wa due to heart failure. The late Mrs EVANS was a native of Fo?fershire, Scotland, and was 72 years of age. Fifty years ago she came to Australia, and was married in Melbourne. Mr and Mrs EVANS making their home at Bright, where the family of three sons and two daughters was born. About thirty years ago the family removed to Myrrhee, where farming and dairying has been carried on ever since. Mrs EVANS was of a quiet and pleasant personality and devoted her time and energy to her home duties and the upbringing of her family. The members of which are Mrs Dave WILLIAMS, Milawa; Mr Evan EVANS, Wangaratta; Messrs Robert and John and Miss EVANS, of Myrrhee. In addition, Mrs EVANS leaves her husband, who is now in his 89th year, and for Mr EVANS and the family deep sympathy is felt in their great loss. The funeral took place yesterday, when the remains were interred in the Wangaratta cemetery, the Rev F CHISHOLM reading the burial service. The funeral was conducted by Mr J J HANDLEY, the cortege moving from 'Glen Ashley', Chisholm street, the residence of Mr E EVANS. The coffin bearers were - Messrs R J & E EVANS, D WILLIAMS, pall bearers Messrs G BULLIVANT, R WILLIAMS, G W BALL, E RICHARDS, W MEARES, and W HICKEY.

EVANS [WHITTY] Eleanor Lucy (1852 - 20/10/1935)    [MYRRHEE]
Wangaratta Chronicle, Saturday October 23, 1935
MRS ELINOR LUCY EVANS. Yet another link with the early history of the district has been severed in the death of Mrs Elinor Lucy EVANS, relict of the late Mr John EVANS, of 'Redcamp' which occurred on Sunday evening. The late Mrs EVANS was aged 82 years. She was born at County Wexford, Ireland, and came to Australia with her father and mother, the late Mr and Mrs WHITTY, brothers and sisters when only three years of age. The family first settled at Woodstock, near Melbourne, coming later to the Moyhu district. After their marriage Mr and Mrs EVANS first lived at the 'Whitefield' homestead, afterwards going to 'Conoble' station NSW, and then returning to Redcamp, where they have lived ever since. The late Mrs EVANS gave her life's work to her home and family, and was always only too anxious and willing to help anyone in need. She had a very kindly nature, and amongst the older residents of the district will be remembered for her many acts of friendliness and charity. There was a family of eleven, two daughters and nine sons, one of whom, Lieut Francis Gerald, was killed in the great war. Other members of the family are Henry (Redcamp), Evan M (Redcamp), Charles (Albury), J E (Manarhee), Hubert (West Australia), Alan (Melbourne) and Mark. Deceased children are Misses J M., Elinor, and Albert. Mr John EVANS died in March of last year. The funeral took place yesterday to the Whitfield cemetery. Rev Fr BOWMAN conducted the funeral service, and the arrangements were carried out by Messrs J J HANDLEY and Son. The coffin was carried by Messrs Evan and Harry EVANS (sons) and Austin and James EVANS (grandsons). The pall bearers were Messrs J E EVANS, Alan EVANS, R EVANS, W C LEWIS, R SHANLEY and G WHITTY.

EVANS [DAVIES] Elizabeth (1834 - 27/09/1914)    [WHITFIELD]
Wangaratta Chronicle Wednesday September 30, 1914
MRS ELIZABETH EVANS. The death took place at Whitfield on Sunday of Mrs Elizabeth EVANS, wife of Mr Isaac EVANS, of Whitfield, and formerly of the Tablelands. Two weeks ago Mrs EVANS tripped and fell, sustaining injuries to her head, and lapsed into a state of unconsciousness from which she did not emerge until two days before her death. She was attended by Dr HENDERSON. The late Mrs EVANS was 80 years of age on the day of her death. She was a native of Monmouthshire England, and a colonist of 59 years standing. Mr and Mrs EVANS were amongst the early settlers on the Tablelands, and four years ago moved down to Whitfield, where they lived in retirement. Mrs EVANS was highly respected. Besides her husband, who is in his 80th year, she leaves three daughters and three sons, viz., Mrs H OLSEN, Sydney; Mrs Evan JONES, Whitfield; Mrs BURGE, Rushworth; Mr Benjamin EVANS, Whitfield, and Messrs Isaac and Abraham EVANS, Tablelands. The funeral took place on Monday when the remains were interred in the Whitfield cemetery, the burial service being read by Mr DALZIEL, Presbyterian Missionary. The coffin bearers were Messrs Isaac EVANS, W GAMBOLD, H THOMAS, and A ISAACS. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr T LAIDLER.

EVANS Evan (1829 – 08/01/1919)     [MYRRHEE]
Wangaratta Chronicle Wednesday January 8, 1919
[abridged] Death of Evan EVANS Snr on Sunday at his home 'Tynant' Myrrhee after 5 days illness. His wife died September last. He was born Mantworag Wales in 1829, and arrived in Australia 1859. A brother had come out some years before. He married before leaving Wales. His wife came out a couple of years after his arrival. 33 years ago he selected land on the Boggy creek at Myrrhee. He married again and a family of five were reared at 'Tynant'. Sons Robert and John, Myrrhee, Evan, Wangaratta, Mrs D WILLIAMS (Oxley Flats) and Miss EVANS (Myrrhee). The sole surviving member of the original EVANS family that came to Australia is Mrs Jno STENHOUSE (Wangaratta). ... Buried Wangaratta. ... Pall bearers included W PATTERSON, A JARROTT, H N PATTERSON.

EVANS Evan Thomas (1877 - 05/06/1920)     [MYRRHEE]
Wangaratta Chronicle Wednesday January 8, 1919
DEATH OF MR E EVANS. - On Saturday morning the death occurred at his home 'Glen Ashley,' Chisholm street, Wangaratta, of Mr Evan Thomas EVANS from internal complications after an illness which extended over many months. The late Mr EVANS was a son of the late Mr and Mrs E EVANS, of Myrrhee, and was born at Bright 43 years ago. For a number of years he carried on farming operations at Myrrhee, but ten years ago secured land at Wallendool in the Henty district where he grew wheat on an extensive scale on his own account and met with considerable success. Owing to failing health he had to relinquish farm work, and for some time past he lived quietly at his home here. Mr EVANS was of a retiring nature, but his pleasant and cheerful manner and good natured disposition won friends for him wherever he went, and all who knew him held him in high esteem. While living in Myrrhee he took an interest in district gatherings, and when the Greta rifle club was in existence he was one of its best marksmen. He was a member of the Oddfellows Lodge at Moyhu. Mr EVANS was an industrious farmer, and by doing his work thoroughly he achieved success. He married Miss Mabel BEATTIE, of Hanson South, and she and one son are left to mourn their sad loss. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon when the remains were interred in the Greta cemetery, the arrangements being carried out by Mr J J Handley. The burial service was read by the Rev W W INGRAM. The coffin was borne by Messrs D WILLIAMS, R BEATTIE, E WALKLING and W TANNER, jnr., while the pall bearers were Messrs D FLEMING, W TANNER, senr., N PATTERSON, W FORGE, and S and E JEFFREY.

EVANS John (1843 - 31/03/1934)   [MYRRHEE]
Wangaratta Chronicle, Saturday April 7, 1934
A NOTED PIONEER. Death of Mr John EVANS J.P. One of the oldest and best known residents of the North-East, Mr John EVANS, J.P., died at his home, 'Redcamp,' on Saturday, at the age of 90 years. The late Mr EVANS had been a prominent figure in the district for many years, and his name as a breeder of horses of excellent quality was well known over several States as well as abroad. In cattle and sheep also he bred animals of good type, and on several occasions he acted as judge at the Victorian and New South Wales Royal Shows. He had been a resident of the district since 1851, when he came as a boy four years of age with his parents the late Mr and Mrs John EVANS, to the district. His place of birth was about 20 miles out of Melbourne, where he later gained his education at a private school which stood on the present site of the Church of England Grammar School. He made the journey twice or more a year to and from school on horseback. His father in 1851 took up the estate known as 'Whitfield,' which under the management of the son, later extended as far as into Moyhu and to the Fifteen Mile Creek. Mr EVANS sold portion of the Estate later to the late Mr Wm HYEM, that gentleman afterwards disposing of it to the Government, and, known then as 'Whitfield,' it was cut up for a most successful closer settlement. After his marriage to Miss WHITTY, who survives, the late Mr EVANS for eight years had control of 'Conoble' Estate in the Hillston district, NSW, where as many as 100 000 sheep were shorn. He also leased the Laceby Estate. His two brothers, David and Evan, who died some years ago, owned 'Merowe,' and 'Roto' stations respectively in the Mother State. The late Mr EVANS had great pride in the breeding of horses, and took, with his father, many a large draft of horses by road to Melbourne for shipment to India. There were practically no bridges between Wangaratta and Melbourne in those days, and the horses had to either swim across the river, or be transported by punts. In India the 'J.E.' brand was one of the best known 50 years ago - the two letters being the hall mark of quality. With his father he also took many a large mob of cattle to the Beechworth gold fields when the mining boom was at its height. As far back as 1876 Nemises won for him the Metropolitan Handicap in Sydney. This horse, however, was unfortunately drowned on board the ship, Lightning, when returning to Melbourne where he was to have taken part in the Melbourne Cup. Grand National winners were also bred on the property. Buzzi won the event twice, and Valdis once, while Solano was placed second and fourth. Other good horses were The Scout, Safety and Mona, but there were many others of exceptional merit. For many years Mr EVANS was associated with the Wangaratta Turf Club, as member of committee, judge, and also as trustee. His valuable work for the club is remembered in the race that bears his name, the 'John Evans' Handicap. He was always a great horseman, and up till six months ago was able to ride about his property. His health commenced to fail, and for the last two months he was seriously ill, seeking treatment in a private hospital in Wangaratta. He was the oldest continuous breeder of horses in Australia, and his name is linked with that of the grandfather of the present HOYSTED family. When he was 19 years of age 'Whitefield' was stuck up by MORGAN the bushranger. In the early days he found the blacks always easy to get on with, as he in later years always found many friends amongst the pioneering families and their descendants. He was a man of splendid character, which has found expression in his family. He was for some years a Councillor of the Oxley Shire. Members of the family are John E (Manahree), Hubert (West Australia), Charles (Albury), Alan (Melbourne), Henry and Evan (Redcamp). Two sons gave their lives for their country in the great war. Captain Gerald EVANS was killed at Polygon Wood, and Signaller Frank EVANS was killed at Bullecourt. Other deceased members of the family were Albert and Misses Elinor and J M EVANS. The funeral was to the family private cemetery at Hyem on Sunday. Some years ago the late Mr EVANS set apart some five acres of land for a burial place, but later made a donation of the greater portion to the public, reserving the small area with the family graves as a private site. The funeral was very largely attended, Rev Canon WRAY officiating at the graveside, the arrangements being carried out by Messrs J L HANDLEY and Son. The coffin was carried by Messrs E EVANS, T COCKBIN, A EVANS, J EVANS, L LETTS and W EVANS. The pall bearers were Messrs Chas EVANS, John EVANS, R J EVANS, D LANGLANDS, Dr J L HENDERSON, R SHANLEY and Jas SHEA (representing the Wangaratta Turf Club).

EVANS Isaac (1835 - 17/08/1917)   [WHITFIELD]
Wangaratta Chronicle Wednesday August 22, 1917
Death at Whitfield. - On Friday the death occurred at Whitfield of Mr Isaac EVANS from senility at the age of 83 years. He resided for many years on the Tolmie Tablelands, and nine years ago removed to Whitfield where he lived with his daughter, Mrs S JONES. His wife died about three years ago, and the following children survive:- Messrs Isaac and Abraham EVANS, of Tolmie; Mr Ben EVANS, Whitfield; Mrs OLSON, Sydney; Mrs MURGE, Rochester, and Mrs JONES, Whitfield. Mr EVANS was well known in the Whitfield and Tolmie districts, and was of a quiet and unassuming nature. The funeral took place on Sunday, when the remains were interred in the Whitfield cemetery. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr J J HANDLEY, and the burial service was read by Mr HARVEY.

FLEMING [KNIGHT] Ann Jane (1832 - 10/11/1920)   [EDI]
Wangaratta Chronicle, Saturday November 13, 1920
DEATH OF EDI RESIDENT.- Mrs Ann Jane FLEMING, widow of the late Mr Wm Finlay FLEMING, of Edi, died on Wednesday morning at the home of her daughter at Brunswick with whom she had been living since February last. Some time ago Mrs FLEMING fell and injured the bone of one leg, and since then she had been unable to leave her bed. Death was due to affects arising from this injury and also to heart weakness. The late Mrs FLEMING was a native of Glochestershire, England, and was 88 years of age. With her parents she came to Australia in 1847, and after their marriage in Melbourne Mr and Mrs FLEMING went to the Goulburn Valley where they engaged in farming, and 12 years ago sold out to come to Edi to live. There Mr FLEMING died nine years ago. Mrs FLEMING was respected by all who knew her. In time of sickness or trouble amongst her neighbors she was always anxious to help them, and in this way she rendered very helpful services to many sufferers. She is survived by eight of her family of 13, namely, Mrs J THOMPSON, Wangaratta; Mrs A TUCKETT, Kensington; Mrs M WORRALL, Brunswick; Mrs S LAURENCE, Whitfield; Mr Wm Jones FLEMING, Northcote; Mr Donald FLEMING, King Valley; Mr Moses FLEMING, Wyalong, NSW; and Mr John K FLEMING, Wangaaratta. There are 77 grand-children, 45 great grand children, and one great-great grandchild. The remains were brought from Melbourne on Wednesday night, and the cortege left the residence of Mr J K FLEMING on Thursday morning for the Whitfield cemetery. The burial service was read by Mr PIERCEY. The funeral arrangements were conducted by Mr J ALSTON (Melbourne) and Mr G V STEELE, Wangaratta.

FLEMING David Gilmore (1835 - 1921)     [MYRRHEE]
Wangaratta Chronicle 1921
Myrrhee Pioneer Passes. Mr D G FLEMING. The friends of David Gilmore FLEMING, who was a pioneer settler of the Myrrhee district, will regret to learn of his death, which occurred on Wednesday afternoon at his residence in Swan St, Wangaratta. He had been in failing health since Easter and although his death was not wholly unexpected his family had hoped that his death would not have come so suddenly. Death was due to exhaustion. Mr FLEMING, who was a colonist of 66 years, was born in County Donegal in Ireland in 1833, and was in his 88th year. He was brought up on a farm, but having the spirit of adventure and travel left Ireland for Australia when he was 20 years of age making the trip in one of the early constructed steamers, the Red Jacket, which reached Melbourne in 1857. He secured work on the Yan Yean water works then being constructed, but left to take up farming, having rented a property at Plenty River, where he remained for about two years, and then entered into the carrying business between Melbourne and the various gold fields including the Buckland and the Ovens; he even took loading to the Snowy River country and travelled far into NSW. He had many an adventurous trip, sometimes being bogged for days, and at other times having to ride miles in search of his bullocks which would break away on odd occasions. During one search he had to swim the Goulburn River while it was in fairly high flood. He was paid up to 14 pounds per ton for loading from Melbourne to the Buckland. He travelled on many of his trips with the late Messrs Robert and Hugh JEFFREY. Mr FLEMING started off with a team of bullocks and a wagon, but later added another wagon and a team of horses. He made good money from the carrying business. In 1886 Mr FLEMING took up a block of 188 acres at Myrrhee and his energy and carefulness gradually widened the borders of his property until he held several hundred acres and was in comfortable circumstances. The country was of a very rough nature - thickly timbered with numerous water-courses and swamps. There were few fences and roads were bad and no bridges spanned the creeks. It will therefore readily be understood that Mr and Mrs FLEMING experienced many exciting adventures in these wild times. It was often the case when driving to Wangaratta for goods in a dray which was almost always drawn by two horses, the water at some of the creeks to be forwarded, would come through the bottom of the conveyance. Mr FLEMING gave his attention to the growing of wheat, oats barley and potatoes - toiling on day after day and year after year, getting the land ready for the plough and in general farm work. At one stage he carried on dairying extensively, milking about 50 cows. He grew many fine crops, obtaining up to 50 bushels to the acre from wheat and 65 bushels of English barley. He won first prize at the Wangaratta Show for Tartarian oats and potatoes. In 1901, when the devastating bushfires swept through Myrrhee, Mr FLEMING lost everything - his home and contents, the accumulation of years, together with all sheds and machinery, as well as fencing and crop, and 45 head of stock including 27 dairy cows who were caught in the flames and perished. This loss was estimated at over 1500 pounds. It was the worst fire ever to sweep through the district, and out of 14 homes on the Boggy Creek, only 3 remained standing after the fire passed on. It required a man of stout heart to face this trial, but with the sympathetic co-operation of his wife and family he made a fresh start in life, and succeeded in firmly re-establishing himself on his farm. At one time he took road and bridge contracts for the Shire of Oxley and carried them out to the satisfaction of the council. He also accepted contracts with the Wangaratta Borough Council and 28 years ago he formed Rowan, Green and Cusack streets and Wilson Road. Mr FLEMING was a member of the School Board of Advice, and the Committee of the Myrrhee Church of England and he identified himself with all the early district gatherings. He was widely known and his uprightness in all transactions, coupled with his fine neighbourly qualities won for him the esteem and respect of everyone. Last year, after 75 years of active life he leased his property to Mr J FLANIGAN and retired. With Mrs FLEMING and three members of his family he came to live in Wangaratta. The wholehearted devotion and co-operation of his worthy wife, since their marriage at St James Cathedral in 1863 was a big factor in insuring the success of his work as a farmer. He is survived by his wife, three sons and six daughters viz Mr John FLEMING, Greta; Mr David FLEMING, Elmore, and Mr William FLEMING of Wangaratta; Mrs A J HAYNES of Healesville; Mrs A GALL of Euroa; Mrs W STANLEY of Benalla; Mrs E BROADBENT of Greta; and Misses Minnie and Sarah FLEMING of Wangaratta. The funeral, which was largely attended, took place yesterday, the remains being interred in the Milawa cemetery. The burial service was read by Rev A MACE.

FLEMING Donald (1859 - 22/12/1921)    [KING VALLEY]
Wangaratta Chronicle, Saturday December 24, 1921
DEATH AT KING VALLEY.- Mr Donald FLEMING died suddenly on Thursday afternoon at his home at King Valley. He appeared to be in his normal state of health that day, but about 4 o'clock he collapsed and died. The occurrence was reported to constable HARRY, of Whitfield, and an inquiry was held, by Mr J J STEPHENS, J.P. of Whitfield, when a verdict of death from natural causes was recorded. The late Mr FLEMING was a son of the late Mr and Mrs W F FLEMING, of Edi, and 62 years of age. He was born at Castlemaine, and after some years' residence in the Goulburn Valley district he settled at King Valley about thirty years back, and there with Mrs FLEMING and members of his family carried on mixed farming, dairying receiving most of his attention. Mr FLEMING took an interest in many of the district movements and was an active worker towards their success. He was a member of the King Valley School Committee, and trustee of the cemetery. He was well respected in the district and the news of his sudden death was heard of with deep regret by the residents. Mr FLEMING, who was married at Echuca, is survived by his wife and grown up family of ten children. Members of the family are - Messrs Alf FLEMING, of Melbourne, who was the 14th man to enlist in the A.I.F., and rose to the rank of Lieutenant, Donald, Archie and Harold FLEMING (King Valley); Mesdames H CROCKEDTT, BLACK and ROUTLEDGE (of Albury), Mrs A BARRY (Myrtleford), and Misses Nellie and Myrtle FLEMING (King Valley). Brothers and sisters of deceased are Messrs J K FLEMING (Wangaratta), W J FLEMING (Northcote), and M FLEMING (Wyalong, NSW); Mesdames TUCKETT (Kensington), WORRALL (Brunswick) and THOMPSON (North Melbourne). The remains were interred in the King Valley cemetery yesterday, Mr G V Steele conducting the funeral

FLEMING George Gilmour (1882 – 28/01/1909)     [MYRRHEE]
Wangaratta Chronicle, Saturday January 30, 1909
Death of a Young Man. – The death occurred at Miss CORRY’s Private Hospital, Wangaratta, on Thursday, of Mr George FLEMING, youngest son of Mr and Mrs David FLEMING, of Myrrhee, at the age of 25 years. The cause of death was double pneumonia. Shortly after New Year Mr FLEMING contracted a cold, but was able to do his farm work until Tuesday, 19th inst, when he took suddenly ill, and was brought into Wangaratta on the following morning for medical attention. Dr BOYES attended him and advised his immediate removal to Miss CORRY’s hospital, as he was in a serious condition. The best medical and nursing attention, however, proved of no avail, and Mr FLEMING died as above stated. Deceased was an energetic young farmer, and in addition to doing his share of the ordinary farm work executed all the horse shoeing and most of the black-smithing work required on his father’s farm. He was very popular amongst the young people of the Myrrhee district, and his demise has caused expressions of sincere sympathy from many residents of the district. Much sympathy is expressed for the bereaved parents and family in their trouble. The funeral will take place today, when the remains will be interred in the Milawa cemetery. Mr J J HANDLEY has charge of the funeral arrangements.

FLEMING [ROBINSON] Matilda (1845 - 1928)    [MYRRHEE]
Wangaratta Chronicle, 1928
One of the earliest settlers in the Myrrhee district, Mrs Matilda FLEMING, relict of the late David FLEMING, died at St Mary's Private Hospital after a short illness on Tuesday evening. The late Mrs FLEMING, who was aged 83 years, enjoyed good health until three months ago. For about eight years she lived with her sister in Euroa, and returned home recently. Born in Donegal, Ireland, the late Mrs FLEMING was brought to Australia by her parents when a child, and she was a school teacher at Wallan prior to her marriage. Her new home at Myrrhee was reached in a bullock wagon, there being no roads and little settlement 65 years ago in that locality. All the hardship of the early pioneers were encountered by Mr and Mrs FLEMING in establishing their home. They were amongst those who blazed the trail for their successors. The deceased lady was a good neighbour and always willingly assisted when help was needed. She was a staunch member of the Church of England, and gave it practical support. Her husband died some years ago, and she is survived by the following family - Messrs W J (Myrrhee) and David (Euroa), Mesdames R HAYNES (Ringwood), E BROADBENT (Greta), A GALL (Euroa), W STANLEY (Benalla) and Misses Sara and Minnie (Myrrhee). The funeral took place on Wednesday, the remains being interred at Milawa. The coffin was carried by T and S ROBINSON (brothers), D FLEMING and D BROADBENT, and the pallbearers were R SHANLEY, W C LEWIS, S ELLIS, A V McALEICE, J HUGHES, and R J EVANS. The funeral arrangements were carried out by J J HANDLEY and Son.

FLEMING William Finlay (08/01/1810 - 28/11/1911)   [EDI]
Wangaratta Chronicle, Saturday December 2, 1911
DEATH OF CENTERNARIAN. Mr W F FLEMING PASSES. The death occurred at Edi (twenty-six miles from Wangaratta) on Tuesday night of Mr William Finlay FLEMING, at the great age of 101 years. Had he lived until 8th January next he would have been 102 years. Mr FLEMING was possessed of a remarkably fine constitution, and to back it up he was endowed with fine stamina, while the good health he enjoyed for 100 years was the means of always keeping him in the best of spirits. Until four months ago he did not know what it was to be really ill, and during these last four months of his long existence he had the services of Dr W BOYES, and was well cared for by his wife and daughters and other descendants and friends. He died peacefully and quietly surrounded by members of his family. Although he had set out on the second century, he retained up to the very last the full use of all his faculties - his eyesight, hearing and speech were not impaired in any way, and he enjoyed conversing with friends. Although he worked hard, and to use his own term 'roughed it', in the early days in this country, the hardships experienced in the forties, fifties and sixties in this State did not have any detrimental effect on his constitution. He was one of the hardy old type of Scotsmen. The late Mr FLEMING was a native of Galloway, Scotland, and was born on 8th January, 1810. When he was 31 years of age the family decided to migrate to Australia, and the father and mother with members of the family came to Victoria by the William Stewart, landing at Port Phillip in 1842. Melbourne was then in its infancy. Shortly after landing the subject of this obituary went to Burnbank (Lexton) where he was employed for a time as waiter in a hotel, and afterwards employed as a shepherd by the late Hon Finlay CAMPBELL in the Clunes district. He also worked as a farm labourer for several years in the same district. He was thrifty and careful, and after some years of saving he got together sufficient money to purchase a waggon and team of bullocks, with which he commenced carrying on the roads between Melbourne and several of the goldfields, including Castlemaine, Bendigo, Ballarat and Clunes. He was not impressed with the life of a carrier, and later on he made application for and was appointed town herdsman for Melbourne. When he landed in Victoria the boundary of a station was indicated by corner pegs driven in the ground, and when he took up the duties of herdsman of Melbourne, the ground on which Collingwood, Carlton and other neighbouring suburbs are no built, was a big common. Being somewhat of a roving disposition he did not keep the position of herdsman for long, but resigned for the purpose of trying his luck at mining. He started mining in the Bendigo and Clunes district. Although he was not very successful he secured one fine nugget, which turned the scales at 3lb 2oz. After 18 years on the goldfields he entered upon farming pursuits at Creswick, and combined butchering with his farm work. Beef and mutton were not costly in those days, and a quarter of mutton could be bought for 6d, roasts for 1d and 2d per lb., and other parts at similar prices. Flour, sugar and tea were dear at this time. In 1873 he left Creswick and settled at Kotupna in the Goulburn Valley, where he selected 175 acres of land. Here he and his family remained for 27 years, when in 1900 they removed to and settled in the Edi district, where the sons follow farming pursuits, and the father and mother lived quietly enjoying the company of their sons and daughters, grand children and great grand children. The late Mr FLEMING was married by the Rev MILLER, in the Presbyterian Church, Melbourne, on15th March, 1852, his wife being a native of Gloucestershire, England. She is now 78 years of age, and is healthy and strong. Mr and Mrs FLEMING were in Wangaratta about six months ago attending to business and on that occasion Mr FLEMING remarked that he was wonderfully well, the only thing that troubled him being his legs, which became weak at times. When the American fleet was in Melbourne, Mr FLEMING visited that city and was presented to the Admiral with whom he conversed and joked about the guns and war ships of the thirties. Mr FLEMING was accompanied by his wife and they visited various parts of Melbourne, which were a wilderness when they first lived there. He lived under six different sovereigns, viz., King William, George III, George IV, Queen Victoria, King Edward, and George V. he was an interesting personality, and could relate exciting adventures with blacks in the early days, while his stories of the gay doings and happenings on the gold fields were exceedingly interesting. Mr FLEMING was not an abstainer from spirituous liquors, but he never partook to excess. he also enjoyed his pipe. He was well known in several parts of the State, and had a large circle of friends, who held him in the highest esteem - not solely on account of his great age, but because of his pleasant disposition and his upright and manly actions during his 69 years as a colonist of Victoria. By the death of Mr FLEMING the country has lost a nation builder, for his descendants now living total 98. Out of a family of thirteen, four boys and four girls still survive. They are Mr Wm James FLEMING, South Morang, Melbourne; Mr Donald FLEMING, King Valley; Mr Moses FLEMING, Wyalong, NSW; Mr J Knight FLEMING, Edi; Mrs Arthur THOMSON, Melbourne; Mrs Thomas TUCKETT, Melbourne; Mrs Chas WARRALL, Camperdown; and Mrs Samuel LAWRENCE, Whitfield. There are 72 grand children and 18 great grand children. Mrs Mary Ann SOCKES, of Sydney, is a sister of deceased, and she is now in her 85th year. Sympathy is expressed for the sorrowing wife. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon, when the remains were interred in the Edi cemetery. The cortege was a fairly lengthy one. The burial service was read by Mr DONALDSON, Presbyterian Home Missioner. The funeral arrangements were in the hands of Mr Thos LAIDLER.

FORGE [ROBINSON] Catherine (1868 - 16/08/1930)     [WHITFIELD]
Wangaratta Chronicle, Wednesday August 20, 1930
Mrs Catherine FORGE. An old resident of the Moyhu and Whitfield districts, Mrs. Catherine FORGE, 62 years of age, died at a private hospital, Wangaratta, on Saturday. She was a daughter of the late Mr and Mrs ROBINSON, of Hurdle Creek and 45 years ago was married to the late Mr Robert James FORGE, when they settled at Moyhu. During the years that followed they reared a family of five sons and four daughters, all of whom still survive. The late Mr FORGE carried on hop growing around Myrrhee and Ryan's Creek till his death about eight years ago, and was well known with his wife in those districts. After the loss of their father, the sons carried on hop growing in the King Valley, and Mrs FORGE resided in Moyhu until her death. During her life the late Mrs FORGE was a lovable woman and was held in high regard by the many who knew her. She was a hard-working member of the Church of England until prevented by bad health. During the Great War period the late Mrs FORGE was renowned for her patriotism and she was always willing to help soldiers and returned men. The following members of the family are left to mourn their loss: - Leslie and Robert (Moyhu), Arnold (Edi), Leonard (Whitfield), Allan (Myrrhee), Alice (Moyhu), Mrs E BRYAN (Tasmania), Mrs E BRYCE (Wangaratta) and Mrs A E ROGERS (Tasmania). Messrs Dan, William and George ROBINSON are brothers, and Mrs J LEWIS (Belgrave) sister of deceased. The interment took place at the Milawa cemetery on Monday, the arrangements being carried out by J J HANDLEY and Son. Rev R NORTH read the burial service. Coffin bearers were: Messrs Leslie, Robert, Leonard and Allan FORGE; and pall bearers were: Messrs R SHANLEY, E BRYCE, W ROBINSON, D ROBINSON, G ROBINSON and J FELTHAM.

FORGE [MEYER] Edith Matilda (06/06/1873 - 13/04/1907)     [MYRRHEE]
Wangaratta Dispatch & North-Eastern Advertiser, April 17, 1907.
DEATH OF A MARRIED WOMEN - On Saturday last Mrs FORGE, wife of Mr W FORGE, farmer at Fifteen Mile Creek, Myrrhee, died at Miss CORRY's Private Hospital. Death was due to blood poisoning, resulting from a maternity case. The deceased, who was only 33 years of age, was a daughter of Mr B MARSHALL, of Swan Road, Wangaratta, and was a native of the town. A widower and seven children, the youngest being only 12 days old, are left to mourn their sad and sudden deprivation, and for them deep sympathy is felt as the family are well-known and respected in the district.

FORGE James (1825 - 14/05/1903)   [MYRRHEE]
Wangaratta Chronicle, Wednesday September 30, 1914
MOYHU.- DEATH OF AN OLD IDENTITY. - The death occurred a few days ago of Mr James FORGE of Boggy Creek, South Hanson, a very old identity of the district. Death was due to paralysis of the heart. The late Mr FORGE arrived in Victoria in 1842, and was 83 years of age at the time of his death. As his death happened somewhat suddenly a magisterial inquiry was conducted by Mr John WOLSTENHOLME, J.P., of Milawa, and a verdict of death from paralysis of the heart was recorded.

FORGE [POULTER] Susannah (25/05/1835 - 28/09/1914)    [MYRRHEE]
Wangaratta Chronicle, Wednesday September 30, 1914
Mrs James FORGE. One of the very oldest pioneers of the Greta and Myrrhee districts in the person of Mrs Susannah FORGE, relict of the late Mr James FORGE, died suddenly at her son's residence, at Myrrhee, on Monday morning, the cause of death being heart failure and old age. Mrs FORGE had been in excellent health up till Saturday last, when she complained of feeling unwell, but had recovered somewhat by Saturday evening; and no anxiety was then felt by her relatives. However, Mrs FORGE took a more serious turn on Sunday morning, and Dr McLAY was summoned, but at the time no danger was apprehended, although the seriousness of the illness was recognised. Mrs FORGE appeared to be resting peacefully all Sunday evening, but towards morning her family noticed signs of collapse, and she died in her sleep, apparently suffering no pain, about 3 am on Monday morning.   The late Mrs FORGE, who was 79 years of age, was a native of Suffolk (England) and came to Australia in the ship Eliza in 1854, landing at Portland after a stormy voyage lasting six months. During the voyage fever broke out on board, and 50 deaths occurred. After six months stay in Portland, the family consisting of the mother, brothers and sisters, went to Greensborough, in the Plenty River district, where a brother, who had arrived in Australia seven years previously, was living. After six months residence, she was married to Mr Jas FORGE, also of Suffolk, England, at Heidelberg Church of England; and after a further lapse of six years Mr and Mrs FORGE settled in the Greta district. They opened the Greta Hotel, which they carried on successfully for 14 years. They then moved to Myrrhee, and selected 100 acres; but after some years this property was sold and Mrs FORGE then resided with her eldest son, Robert, for a number of years. During the past 26 years she has lived with her youngest son, Walter. The late Mrs FORGE was one of the most respected residents of the Greta and Myrrhee districts, and during her 54 years residence had won by her sterling qualities a very large circle of friends. She was of a kindly disposition and always noted for her help extended to those in need. During her long residence she had seen many stirring incidents, and had had at times a large share of the early pioneers' hard struggles for existence. She leaves a family of three sons, Robert, William and Walter, all of whom are living in Myrrhee. Two daughters have died (Mrs John TYRRELL, Whitfield, some years ago; and Mrs H N PATTERSON, Myrrhee, just recently). Amongst the late Mrs FORGE's descendants are 24 grand-children. All her brothers and sisters pre-deceased her, thus she was the last of one of the earliest families to settle in the State.  The funeral took place at Whitfield yesterday afternoon, "Irvings" (Mr G V STEELE) carrying out the arrangements. The burial service was conducted by Rev C P BROWN (St Columb's) assisted by Mr DALZIEL and Adjt BAYLEY. The coffin-bearers were Messrs J EVANS, R EVANS, A PATTERSON and A FORGE; pall-bearers Messrs J EVANS senr., J STEVENSON senr., J NOLAN, W CRYER, D FLEMING, and A GIBSON. The cortege consisted of thirty vehicles and fifteen horsemen.

FORGE Robert James ( /08/1854 - 05/07/1922)     [MYRRHEE]
Wangaratta Chronicle, Wednesday July 12, 1922
Death of Myrrhee Farmer - Mr Robert Jas FORGE, of Myrrhee, died in St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne, on Thursday, and the remains were taken by train to Whitfield on Saturday for interment. For some time Mr FORGE had been suffering from an internal growth, and had submitted to three operations. He had been under treatment in Melbourne for a month. The late Mr FORGE, who was 68 years of age, came to the Greta district in 1858, and after a residence of eleven years he went to Myrrhee where he took up land and entered on mixed farming, being particularly successful in the growing of hops. In politics he favored Labor, and was a solid supporter and worker for that cause. In his young days he competed successfully at athletic gatherings, and as a pedestrian won several Sheffield handicaps. Mr FORGE was held in high regard by the residents of Myrrhee, Moyhu, and Greta, and the news of his death was heard of with regret. He is survived by his widow and four sons and four daughters and for them sympathy will be felt in their bereavement. The members of the family are Messrs Les, Allen and Robt. (Moyhu), Arnold and Len. FORGE (King Valley), Mrs W O'BRIEN (Hobart), and Misses Elizabeth, Eileen and Alice FORGE (Myrrhee). Two of the sons, Messrs Les and Arnold FORGE served during the war. A brother of deceased is Mr Walter FORGE, of Wangaratta.

FORGE William Thomas ( 22/06/1858 - 14/11/1940)     [MYRRHEE]
Wangaratta Chonicle-Despatch, Saturday November 16, 1940
A pioneer of the Myrrhee and Greta districts, Mr William Thomas FORGE, died in a private hospital in Wangaratta early on Thursday morning. The late Mr FORGE, who was age 84 years, was born in the Plenty River district, and came with his parents, the late Mr and Mrs James FORGE, to the Greta district when he was only three years of age. At the age of 19 years he selected land at Myrrhee, and continued to work on that farm until a year or two ago despite his great age. In his younger days he helped many of the orgainisations of that district, and was always willing to help a neighbour when in need, just as he received helpl from othere, for in those early days there was a great deal of brotherhood amongst the pioneering families. About two years ago, Mr FORGE's health commenced to fail, and he had spent about three weeks in hospital when his death took place. Mrs FORGE died over 30 years ago, and there is the following family, William (Myrrhee), Lew (Oakleigh), Mrs J STEVENSON (Oakleigh), Mrs G STOLZ, Mrs M I PATTERSON and Mrs E PAULSON (Benalla), and Mrs W BUNN (Bright). Mr FORGE was the last surviving member of this pioneering family, which settled at Greta over 80 years ago. The funeral took place at the Wangaratta cemetery yesterday morning. Rev G E JULIEN conducted the funeral service, and Mr Geo D HANDLEY attended to the arrangements. The coffin was carried by Messrs W FORGE, L FORGE, W BUNN, and J STEVENSON, and the pall was supported by Messrs R FORGE, Len FORGE, A PATTERSON, M NOLAN, J KELLY, W PATTERSON, J GRIFFITHS and W LEWIS.

GREENWAY/GREENAWAY [JONES] Elizabeth (1841 - 29/11/1916)     [MYRRHEE]
Wangaratta Chronicle, Saturday December 2, 1916
Death at Myrrhee. The death occurred on Wednesday morning of Mrs Elizabeth GREENWAY, of Myrrhee. The sad event took place at the residence of her daughter, Mrs C HANDCOCK, after an illness extending over several months. Pneumonia and pleurisy set in last week, and ultimately caused death. The late Mrs GREENWAY was born in Kent, England, and was 75 years of age. She arrived in Melbourne with her parents in 1852, she then being about 11 years of age. Her father and mother reached Ballarat at the time of the Eureka riot. Later they went to Maryborough, and there the daughter was married to Mr GREENWAY. They followed farming at Echuca for some years, and 28 years back came to the Myrrhee district where they established hop gardens, and carried on farming pursuits. The late Mrs GREENWAY was highly esteemed by neighbours and friends. She leaves one daughter, Mrs C HANDCOCK, Myrrhee, and a brother Mr R JANES, NSW. Mrs GREENWAY took a keen interest in the welfare of her six grandsons, who are fighting in France, and was always eager for news from then. The funeral took place on Thursday, when the remains were interred in the Milawa cemetery, the burial service being read by Rev Mr MICHOLS. The coffin bearers were Messrs W FORGE, J STEVENSON, T JARROTT and L FORGE. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr G V STEELE.

HANDCOCK Mona Irene (1927 - 21/08/1931)    [MYRRHEE]
Wangaratta Chronicle, Wednesday August 28, 1931
Much sympathy was expressed when it became known that the death occurred in Melbourne on Wednesday last of Mona Irene, the only child of Mr and Mrs Richard HANDCOCK, of Myrrhee at the early age of 4 ½ years from bronchial pneumonia. Little Mona was much loved by her many friends for her bright and winsome nature. Her little kindergarten friends sent a beautiful wreath and many other wreaths were sent from friends. The interment took place at the Fawlkner cemetery, Melbourne. The Church of England pastor officiated at the graveside and the funeral arrangements were carried out by Allisons, Melbourne.

IZARD Richard William (1875 - 03/01/1918)    [WHITFIELD]
Wangaratta Chronicle, Wednesday August 28, 1931
Death of Whitfield Resident - We regret the death of Mr Richard William IZARD, which occurred at his residence at Whitfield on January 3. The late Mr R W IZARD was born at Whitfield, was 43 years of age, and the eldest son of the late Mr Richard and Mrs IZARD, of Whitfield. He was one of the oldest residents born in the district. In his younger days he followed farming pursuits, but through failing health he was compelled to take up lighter duties. He was well known and highly esteemed in the district for his many sterling qualities. He took an active interest in public affairs, especially in the Boxing Day sports gathering, until failling health prevented activities. He bore his sufferings with great patience and fortitude, being always bright and cheerful, and uncomplianing. He was under the attendance of a doctor, and recently took a trip to Queensland, but found no improvement in health, and although every care and attention were bestowed on him he pased peacefully away. The funeral cortege left his late residence on Saturday at 1 o'clock, and was very largely attended, being the largest in the district for many years. The body was interred in the Whitfield cemetery. The pall bearers were Messrs H TYRRELL, W GAMBOLD, A CAMERON, D NEWTON, J NIPPRESS and W BONE, and the coffin bearers Messrs M JARROTT, H G THOMAS, A McLAREN, W JOHNSON. Mr IZARD's eldest son (Laurie) was killed in France about 18 months ago. He leaves a wife and six sons and two daughters to mourn his loss. Members of the family are - Mrs REYNOLDS (Tolmie), Olive, Harold, Albert, Cyril, Lottie and Keith. He also leaves the following sisters and brothers:- Mesdames THOMAS and JARROTT, of Whitfield; HOWELL, of Wangaratta, TYRRELL and PHILLIPS, of Canterbury; Lee ARCHER, of Queensland; SIMPSON, of Ivanhoe; Mr H IZARD, Whitfield; and Mr A IZARD, West Australia. The funeral arrangements were in the hands of Mr G V STEELE, and the burial service was read by Mr TOWNSEND.

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