Selected Obituaries from the Myrrhee/Whitfield area

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Obituaries from the Myrrhee/Whitfield area for surnames beginning with the letters R to Z.

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RICHARDS Edward (1854 - 22/01/1924)    [MYRRHEE]
Wangaratta Chronicle, Saturday January 26,1924
The death took place at the Wangaratta Hospital on Tuesday evening of Mr Ernest RICHARDS, an old resident of Myrrhee, at the age of 70 years. About a week ago Mr RICHARDS became an inmate of the hospital suffering from pneumonia, from which complaint death took place. Born in Wales he had been a resident of Myrrhee for 45 years. He first acquired the property known as PATTERSON's, and for many years worked in harvest time and busy seasons for the EVANs family at Redcamp. In 1913 he purchased the farm of Mr W FORGE. The late Mr RICHARDS was a famous shearer in his day, and for 30 years was a member of the Shearers' Union. He took a great interest in politics, and was a staunch supporter of the Labor Party. He leaves a widow and family, viz., Ella, Clarice, Hannah, Thos, Stella, Jane and Violet. Two brothers and two sisters of deceased reside in Wales. The funeral took place on Thursday to the Whitfield cemetery, the arrangements being carried out by Irvings. The burial service was read by the Rev A R MACE.

ROBERTSON William (1854 - 17/09/1933)  [WHITFIELD]
Wangaratta Chronicle, Wednesday September 20,1933
The death occurred in the Wangaratta Hospital on Sunday of an old and highly respected resident of Whitfield in the person of Mr William ROBINSON, at the age of 79 years. The late Mr ROBINSON had lived in Whitfield for many years, following general occupation. He was a first class fencer, and had few rivals in this work. He was in his usual health and on Friday night attended the birthday party to Mrs TYRRELL and Mr CROCKETT. The next day he was taken suddenly ill and was hurried to the Wangaratta Hospital, where his death took place as stated. He is survived by his wife and a large family: William, Leonard and Peter live at Whitfield, Daniel (Tolmie), Lindsay (New Zealand), and four daughters, Maud, Mary, Violet and Margaret reside in Melbourne. The funeral was to the Wangaratta cemetery on Monday afternoon. Rev. H P F TASSELL read the funeral service and the arrangements were carried out by Mr T LAIDLER.

SHANLEY Richard (1835 - 31/08/1922)    [MYRRHEE/MOYHU]
Wangaratta Chronicle, Saturday September 2,1922
DEATH OF MR R SHANLEY. COLONIST OF 61 YEARS. Death has removed another of the few remaining good old pioneers of this district, Mr Richard SHANLEY, of 'Fairfield,' Moyhu, being the last to drop out after having faithfully served his adopted country for 61 years. Mr SHANLEY had been in indifferent health for some months. On Friday last he sustained a paralytic stroke, and remained unconscious until his death occurred at 2.30 on Thursday morning. The late Mr SHANLEY was 87 years of age. He was born in the parish of Kell, King's County, Ireland, and at the age of 26 years came to Australia, arriving in Hobson's Bay on 31st October, 1860, after a 12 weeks' voyage. Nothing very eventful occurred on the trip out, except however, that they had a death, a birth and a marriage on board. Amongst his ship mates were the late Mr and Mrs Rowland HUGHES, of Greta, and late Mr David EVANS (brother of Mr John EVANS, of Redcamp). Mr David EVANS was returning to Victoria with machinery for the Wangaratta flour mills which the late Mr Wm CLARKE and he were starting. After a few days in Melbourne, Mr SHANLEY left for Moyhu where he had secured employment with Mr John EVANS. He arrived at Wangaratta, then a hamlet, by coach, and started the same morning on foot for Whitfield arriving at Mr EVANS' home station 30 miles from Wangaratta at 8.30 that night. There was no formed road and no bridges; he had to follow the bridle tracks and the river. After spending 12 months at Home Station Mr SHANLEY worked at Moyhu for a year, then went across to the Greta district where he remained for 4 1/2 years, and a year later rented portion of 'Manarhee' estate and started farming. He sent home for his father, mother and brother, and they arrived about 1867. In 1870 he selected 320 acres of 'Redcamp' station and settled down to work and make a home for himself. He named his property 'Fairfield' and on it he remained ever since. Mr SHANLEY added to his first selection until he held about 1500 acres. He was an industrious and methodical farmer, and success soon came his way. He went in for grazing principally, but grew wheat, oats and tobacco; about 30 years ago a number of Chinese successfully grew tobacco on his land on the shares system. Mr SHANLEY did not seek public life, but for nine years he was a member of the Oxley Shire Council, where his sound judgement was of much value to the rate-payers. He took a lively interest and active part in almost every district movement, and was a generous giver to deserving causes. Mr SHANLEY was possessed of a most genial spirit and a ready Irish wit, and these together with his strict integrity and fine neighbourly qualities won him the respect and esteem of all who knew him. He was a staunch Irishman, and a devout Roman Catholic. In years past he was a familiar figure at the St Patrick's day celebrations held in Wangaratta, and always occupied a prominent position in the procession held on that day. Mrs SHANLEY and a family of nine children survive, the members of the family being - Mrs M RYAN (Young's Siding, WA); Misses Mary and Ellen SHANLEY (Moyhu), Miss Sarah SHANLEY (teacher Myrrhee School), Miss Winnie SHANLEY (Treasury, Melbourne), Messrs Peter SHANLEY (teacher Greta West School), Richard, Patrick and John SHANLEY (Moyhu). The funeral took place yesterday to the Milawa cemetery. The cortege was a lengthy one of over 60 vehicles, many friends coming long distances to pay their last tribute of respect. The burial service was read by the Very Rev Father BYRNE, P.P. The coffin bearers were Messrs Peter, R, P and J SHANLEY; pall bearers, Messrs D JONES, J O'CONNELL, A KING, A GIBSON, Jos LEWIS, and J DINNING. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Messrs T LAIDLER and Son.

SMITH [PATTERSON] Clara Susannah (1887 - 05/08/1920)    [MYRRHEE]
Wangaratta Chronicle, Saturday August 7,1920
DEATH OF MYRRHEE RESIDENT. - Mrs Clara S SMITH, wife of Mr Henry SMITH, of Myrrhee, died at St Alban's private hospital, Wangaratta, on Thursday morning, from pneumonia after nine days' illness. Mrs SMITH, who was 33 years of age, and a daughter of Mr H N PATTERSON, of Myrrhee, was esteemed by those who knew her, and deep regret will be expressed at her sad death. She is survived by three children, Henry, age 10 years, Doris, aged 3 ½ years, and Sydney Edwin, age 8 weeks. Sincere sympathy will be felt for the bereaved husband.

SPARROW Nathaniel (1853 -    /09/1927)   [WHITFIELD]
Wangaratta Chronicle, Wednesday September 12,1927
Mr W SPARROW. The death of Mr W SPARROW, of Whitfield which occurred at the residence of his daughter, Mrs S NEWTON, Edi, on Saturday morning was heard with regret. The late Mr SPARROW, who has been a resident of Whitfield for the last few days was pre-deceased by his wife two years ago, after which he lived with his sons and daughters. Members of the family are Mrs S NEWTON, (Edi), Mrs T COLEMAN (Milawa), Mrs Jas MEARES (Tarrawingee), Mrs D P FLEMING (Wallan), Messrs George (Griffiths, NSW), and William (Whitfield). The funeral took place to the Whitfield cemetery of Monday, Rev Mr RANWELL reading the burial service and the arrangements being carried out by Messrs J J HANDLEY and Son. The coffin bearers were Messrs S NEWTON, Thos NEWTON, Wm SPARROW, and D P FLEMING.

STEVENSON Helen Muriel [Nellie] (1906 – /03/1916)     [MYRRHEE]
Wangaratta Chronicle, March 25, 1916.
MYRRHEE. Mr and Mrs Joseph STEVENSON suffered a sad bereavement on Tuesday night, when their youngest daughter Nellie died. She was in the best of health on the previous Friday, but during the night took ill. She was found to be suffering from appendicitis, and was operated on in Wangaratta, but never progressed. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved parents. Nellie was a bright child and was a favourite with her schoolmates, and all who knew her. The remains were interred in the Whitfield cemetery on Thursday, the arrangements being carried out by Mr J J HANDLEY.

THOMPSON James (19/01/1831 - 05/11/1916)   [WHITFIELD]
Wangaratta Chronicle, Wednesday November 8,1916
DEATH AT WHITFIELD - A very old identity in the person of Mr James THOMPSON, died on Sunday at his home at Whitfield at the age of 85 years. He had been ailing for some time, and death was due to senility. The late Mr THOMPSON resided at Milawa for some years and then moved to Edi where he carried on hop-growing and farming successfully until he went to reside at Whitfield. He was well known and respected. Mrs THOMPSON predeceased him by two years, and he leaves a family of one son and six daughters, viz., Mr James THOMPSON, NSW; Mrs G MORGAN, Whitfield; Mrs A NEWTON, of Whitfield; Mrs V PHILLIPSON, Edi; Mrs BUNYAN, Cookardinia NSW; Miss Fanny THOMPSON, NSW; and Miss Agnes THOMPSON, Whitfield. Mr T THOMPSON, of Dederang, is a brother of deceased. The funeral took place yesterday at Whitfield, the arrangements being carried out by Mr G V STEELE. The burial service was read by Mr TOWNSEND.

TOOHEY Michael Thomas (1867 - 03/01/1933)   [WHITFIELD]
Wangaratta Chronicle, Saturday January 7, 1933
An old resident, Mr Michael TOOHEY died at his home, Whitfield, on Tuesday night, after an illness extending over some three months. The late Mr TOOHEY, who was 65 years of age, was born at St James and was a son of the late Mr and Mrs Daniel TOOHEY. He followed the occupation of a sawmiller and for some time was engaged in the Killawarra and Wangaratta districts. Some twelve years ago he went to reside at Whitfield and at the time of his death was engaged with his brother, James, in a sawmilling business at Everton. He is survived by his wife and the following family, who reside at Whitfield. - Michael, Joseph, Leslie and Catherine. Brothers are Patrick (Wangaratta) and James (Corowa), while Mrs E CASE (Prahran) and Miss Mary TOOHEY (Corowa) are sisters. The funeral took place to the Wangaratta cemetery on Wednesday, Rev Father RYAN officiating at the graveside, the arrangements being carried out by Messrs J J Handley and Son. The coffin was carried by Messrs S TOOHEY, T WHALLEY, P TOOHEY and F TOOHEY.

TYRRELL Charles (1860 - 19/11/1898)  [WHITFIELD]
Wangaratta Chronicle, Wednesday November 23, 1898
DEATH OF WHITFIELD RESIDENT.- Mr Charles TYRRELL, a well-known resident of Whitfield, died on Saturday evening after a painful illness. The deceased had a complication of complaints, but had of late suffered from an abscess of the jaw, and was brought to Mr KLEINER's Sydney hotel, Wangaratta, a week before his death so that he might have the constant attendance of Dr McCARDEL. Dr BOYES was latterly called in consultation, but medical skill failed. The deceased, who was 38 years of age, had lived for many years at Whitfield, with other members of the family, and for some time had been in the employ of the Hansen Dairy Company as manager of the Boggy Creek creamery. His remains were interred in the Wangaratta cemetery on Monday; Mr T IRVING, undertaker.

TYRRELL Jessie (1890 - 24/08/1899)   [WHITFIELD]
Wangaratta Chronicle, Saturday August 26, 1899
FATAL CASE OF TYPHOID. Jessie TYRRELL, nine years of age, daughter of Mr Wm TYRRELL, of Whitfield, died in the Hospital on Thursday after a long illness. Deceased was attacked by typhoid seven weeks ago, and various complications led to a fatal ending. The remains were removed to Whitfield for interment

TYRRELL John (1852 - 30/04/1923)   [WHITFIELD]
Wangaratta Chronicle, Saturday May 12, 1923
It is with great regret that we record the death of a very old and respected resident of the Whitfield district, in the person of Mr John TYRRELL, who passed away at his daughter's residence, "Grange Avenue," Canterbury, on April 30th, at the age of 71 years. The late Mr TYRRELL was born in Kensington, South Australia. His parents afterwards moved to the "Drop Drop,"(Mount Gambier). Later to Port Macdonald, and lived at "Dingly Dell," which later became the home of the poet, Adam Lindsay GORDON, with whom they were very intimately acquainted for many years. The family moved to Echuca, where they resided for some considerable time, and the late Mr TYRRELL was apprenticed to the printing trade, but not being of a robust constitution his health suffered from the confinement of indoor work. He rejoined his parents who had selected land in the vicinity of Whitfield. Mr TYRRELL then made his permanent home in Whitfield, where he carried on the business of builder and contractor for many years. The late Mr TYRRELL always took an active interest in any movement for the advancement of the district, and being of a genial disposition made many friends who upon his removal from the district, testified to the respect and esteem in which he was held by presenting to him and Mrs TYRRELL a silver tea and coffee service. Mr TYRRELL and family removed to Canterbury, where they have resided for the past thirteen years. Mr TYRRELL and his son carried on the business of builders. The late Mr TYRRELL leaves a wife, one son, Mr Gordon TYRRELL, of Albert Park; one daughter, Mrs A VANSELOW, Canterbury, and his sisters, Mrs WHITTY, Whitfield, and Mrs E SIMMONDS, Wagga, to mourn their loss. His remains were interred in the Box Hill cemetery. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr Padbury, of Kew. The pall bearers were Mr Reuben TYRRELL (nephew), Mr T TARORICH, Mr A LAEWRENCE, Mr P TAYLOR, Mr G BIGGINS and Mr NESBIT.

TYRRELL [STEVENSON] Susannah (1828 - 07/03/1909]     [WHITFIELD]
Wangaratta Chronicle, Wednesday March 10, 1909
Death of an Old Whitfield Resident.- The death occurred at Whitfield on Sunday night of Mrs Susannah TYRRELL, relict of the late Mr Reuben TYRRELL, of Whitfield, at the ripe age of 81 years. Mrs TYRRELL enjoyed fair health up to Sunday morning, when she commenced to feel unwell, and gradually grew worse, and expired peacefully that evening. The cause of death was senile decay. The late Mrs TYRRELL was a native of Northampton, England, and came to Australia in the year 1850, landing at Adelaide. She was at that time married, and was accompanied by her husband and son. After spending some years at Adelaide, Mount Gambier and Echuca, the family came to Whitfield, where they settled in 1870, and have ever since resided and prospered. The deceased lady was of a quiet, unassuming and charitable disposition, and by her many kindly actions and pleasant manner secured a large circle of friends, who express the sincerest sympathy at her demise. She leaves a family of two sons and two daughters, viz., Messrs Harry TYRRELL, of Whittlesea, and John TYRRELL, of Whitfield; and Mrs James WHITTY, of Whitfield, and Mrs E SIMMONDS, of Wagga. The family are well-known and highly respected in the Whitfield district. The remains were brought into Wangaratta on the narrow gauge train on Tuesday and interred in the Wangaratta Cemetery. The burial service was read by Mr BRAMMALL, of the Church of England, and the funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr Thos IRVING.

WHITTY James Lawrence (09/11/1843 - 09/02/1913)    [WHITFIELD]
Wangaratta Chronicle, Wednesday February 12, 1913
Death of Mr James L WHITTY - The death took place in Wangaratta on Sunday evening of Mr James Lawrence WHITTY, farmer, of Whitfield. On Tuesday last he came into Wangaratta to undergo a slight operation for the removal of a growth on the nose. The operation was performed on Wednesday, and was successful, but on Thursday and Friday inflammation of the face set in, and the patient's heart being weak, ultimately caused death. The late Mr WHITTY was born in County Wexford, Ireland, on 9th November, 1843, and when eight years of age came to Australia with his parents, arriving in 1852. The family lived on the Plenty for some years, but fifty-two years ago, after the death of Mrs WHITTY, the family came to the North-East and settled in the King River district, the late Mr WHITTY having resided there continuously ever since, carrying on general farming operations. His father died at Moyhu, and was buried in the Milawa cemetery. The late Mr WHITTY married Miss Mary TYRRELL, daughter of Mr Reubin TYRRELL, of Myrrhee, and sister of Mr Harry TYRRELL, of Heidelberg, Mr John TYRRELL, of Surrey Hills, and Mrs E SIMMONDS of Wagga. He was of a quiet and retiring disposition, and never took an interest in public affairs. He was a hard working man, and was respected by a large circle of friends, who were surprised on hearing of his death, which occurred so unexpectedly. Much sympathy is felt for Mrs WHITTY and family in their bereavement. The members of the family are - Mrs W C LEWIS, "Thistlebrook," Moyhu, Mrs Herbert SMITH, Whitfield, Mrs Ben WHITTY, Moyhu; Misses Margaret and Julia WHITTY, Whitfield, Messrs George, James, John and Harry WHITTY, Whitfield. Mr WHITTY was a brother to Mrs John EVANS, of Red Camp, Myrrhee, and Mrs F L C RIDGEWAY, Junee. The funeral took place on Monday, when the remains were interred in the Whitfield cemetery, the Rev Father KEANE reading the burial service. Mr T LAIDLER had charge of the funeral arrangements.

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